New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Hey I posted on my 80.

People can change their battletag, yes. However, that does not change the post count, post history, or anything else on it. We get one free Battletag change. After that they have to pay for it.

Will some people do it? Yes. They do. Just like some people are willing to buy a Sub on a new Bnet all over again just to sockpuppet or evade a ban.

However, the number who do that is extremely tiny vs the number that switch characters within a Bnet account.

It goes from a flood to a much more manageable trickle. Not that many people are willing to keep spending money to troll.

Seeing as we have Battletags on all the other Blizzard forums, Blizz, and everyone else, are quite familiar with how they work.

Oh, is that what is going on? Well then.

Not happening.

What will happen, if Microsoft does not do away with the forums, is that eventually we will have posting here linked to a higher level account that is less easily sockpuppeted. When? I don’t know. Depends on priorities and funding. It will happen though if we still have forums.

You already are. You are on an alt using a made up name with no forum profile to show. No achievements or anything else. Classic alts are also a thing. People can’t even connect you to your fake video game character much less your real information.

So no, you won’t get anonymous. There are other websites for that kind of posting.


Or a 65.

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None of this is available on the internet.


My 80 doesn’t show up, its been quite a while since i logged onto it, but my HWL character is still on it for some reason lol

Jesus she looks like shes still wearing her spellfire set amd the black morass shoulders. It certainly has been awhile since i actually played classic

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The people who want anonymous are mostly people that want their opinion to be seen as the same as experts. They want to have a say in content they don’t do or understand. They want to dismiss people that know what they are talking about.

“I dont know what I am talking about but I am more important than you. What you say is irrelevant”


It’s a video game forum for a 20 year old video game with a handful of regular posters. It’s really not that serious. I guess I have different priorities since I don’t see this forum as that big of a deal or that serious.


the funny part about wanting anonymity is that even if we DO have btags… they’re anonymous.

nothing about your btag says “This is Jane Smith at 1242 1st Street, Nowhereville CT, 39393”

if your btag CAN be traced back to you, I suggest you change it.


So what you’re saying is that your already anonymous account isn’t anonymous enough and you want even less accountability for your actions.


Uhoh‎ ‎ ‎ ‎


Yeah, that is what has been happening. This is alt of theirs No. #4. Second alt was impersonating someone, and 3rd alt they can’t probably post from due to the name, which I won’t even mention.

My BTag says “This is P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney NSW 2000.”


Some people are scared to death over these handful of random posters, i’ll tell you hwat


Mines literally just a scanned piece of paper containing my legal name, address, social security number, bank pin, and shoe size

Took alotta work to make it fit


You had to remove the spaces.

shoe size? that’s taking it too far. way too much personal information there.


Yep. I mean, Blizzard can see who we are on their end, but the front facing end does not display any personal information unless someone was silly enough to use their real name as their Battletag.

Also why I support the free Battletag change! We get one free one already, and if Blizz changes the WoW forums I would hope they let anyone who does not have their free change, have another one. Just so people can select a name they are comfy with and that does not break the rules.

Did it give hints of BBQ? That one?

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With a word that most people take for term towards racism at the end, yeah, I think that one.

I just got my first forum stalker.

Why would you want to take that away from me?

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Atleast they didn’t include which planet they are from.