New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Well. This thread certainly took a hard left turn somewhere along the road while I wasn’t paying attention.


Saying “Translation” doesn’t mean that’s what the person has said exactly per say. I’m well aware this is not what the person said, but rather they implied. And from what i’ve read, is rather standard for excuses for anon posting. And i’m well aware people will check up on that.

Plus, OP didn’t take issue with this then, only when i’ve showed them the quote they actually did try to say the other quote.

this has been happening on every one of these threads about btags. They escalate and escalate until the whole things gets detailed and subsequently shut down for toxicity.

If anything, it would be a great opportunity to step aside and accept that the people who are paranoid about their forum identity are technologically illiterate.

Nothing wrong with that but like,


I get it but the way you put it, sorry that’s not a cool way to show it to me. Really feels shady. When you put it in that quote window and then manipulate it that really feels like you were pushing the envelope.

As I said I get what you were trying to do, but that’s too far for me. Felt like misrepresentation to me. I just don’t like the way that felt.

You’ve done that yourself.

Quoting isn’t harrassment. What you’re doing however, is justifying actual harassment by trying to say the bad things the person received is simply a different of opinion and you think it’s rude to block them.

What, you trying to take my twitter bio (which is a joke btw) and somehow twist it as a real life threat? lol.

Oh the quote you claimed to be false.

I’ve said this countless times on the quote i’ve kept on quoting and already quoted here, your words, not mine.

Also… Wow forums is public for everybody without an account. So even if i got banned, nothing will happen. Your stuff will still be up on Twitter all the same, and the Wow forum members who use Twitter will know and pass it along.

Kind of how all these things go. Just watch angry people on two sides of a topic eventually get toxic. If only there was some way to not see those people completely going forward…hmmm what would allow that…hmmmmmm??? haha


I looked up your name in the search function on the forums and there is either a lot of level 10 night elf hunters who are impersonating you in all the same topics you post about with all the same arguments or you’re a very poor liar. It’s increasingly clear you are no more than a garden variety charlatan who would relish the opportunity to post anonymously just to troll. It has nothing to do with privacy, or security but more the freedom from repercussions for things you say that you know are questionable. You keep accusing others of violating the code of conduct, but again, it’s increasingly clear you want nothing more than the ability to freely post garage without anyone calling you on it.

It may be the pain medication I’m on at the moment ( just had surgery this afternoon) or still being groggy from the anesthesia but every post and response you make furthers the evidence that you are one of the very same bad actors you pretend to rally against.


i will say no more. You are violating, violated CoC. Moderators will deal with this.

Your actions are exactly why we need anonymous posting.

The only people who would benefit from anonymous posting would be trolls.


Do you know who needs to face some real accountability? These guys. I swear. Mail. Phone Calls. Emails. Billboards. Post It Notes. Morse Code. Smoke Signals. Commercials. When does it stop???


What is the saying? “The lady doth protest too much”?

I don’t typically tend to care for tone when dealing with these types of people. Anti-Taggers had their chance of civility, and they blew it. And they continue to dig that proverbial hole to where we are now.

I am not sorry for what i’ve did. I’ve given people the benefit of the doubt too many times, and too many times, that bit me on butt.

Well rest assured they did actually confirm that. So it’s not completely misplaced.

You really want to bring the moderators into this lol?

Hey WoW mods, what’s your take on OP’s response to Jaesear’s comment?

Oh also…

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We really don’t need another way for people to sockpuppet, thanks.


it’s all about feeling safe. Anonymous posting would be great.

They always call and then follow up with a “how are you?” just to get me to start talking before explaining to me what the call is about. Super annoying.

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Safe to troll with impunity


Nah, you made people feel unsafe bro.

The forums will be better off without people like yourself.

Anonymous posting would reduce safety and increase the toxicity of these forums. The only reason to request it is if you wanted those things to happen.


Just say you are doing horrible, and it stops them in their tracks.

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