New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

They’re aware of that. They’re not posting in good faith. We’re in the “fake niceness and selective quoting” part of the Khrog/Doobly/Uulomul/Bula posts, escalated up from a period of general engagement with the community on a new alt.

Next will be the part where they start to go a little unhinged, and then they’ll dive right into hardcore bannable trolling. It’s a pretty predictable pattern that has held for their last series of alts, I’m just waiting for the part where they go nuclear again since the geiger count of their posts has started to escalate.


Nah, now were in the “Telling somebody to disappear is a different opinion, and if you block them, then you’re being rude” part now. The Mask is completely off now. LOL.

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reported for real life threat.

I suspect that Bula and Nelfas are the same person, but I don’t know for sure because 55 DK alt. But Bula was who the poster I was talking to was responding to.


Agreed. It’s kind of funny how they prove the need for account blocking by arguing against it in these ways.

Tools for defense and moderation based on community feedback of accounts is the way to go. Strong anonymity from real world anything is good, but not from in community forums. That reputation is a good thing.



Falls over laughing

(somebody pls embed this for me lol)


Anyway good luck with that on Elon Musk’s fReE SpEeCH platform, they ain’t care about anyone doing anything these days.


Kid doesn’t even know sarcasm. LOL :clap: :clap: :clap: :joy:


no, he made false claims and posted my post on twitter with hate comments. that’s real life threat.

Let’s walk through the chain of events, shall we?

Someone posted that someone had told them to off themselves repeatedly here on the forums, and they thought they should be able to block those messages.

You responded to them and said that you thought it was rude to block people’s messages. The implication is that you think people should have to continue to get messages telling them to make themselves not alive anymore.

Bari, who has a joke about doing himself in because he plays PC games in his Twitter bio, posted a screenshot of the exchange above to his Twitter.

Remind me how any of that is a threat to you, again?


I think he’s got it.

Be responsible for what you post.

OP, you already have anonymous posting, why has for it?

i did not. unless you can prove this? I know what i quoted and they just rephrashed my quote which is also against CoC.

This thread just keeps on giving :rofl:


I am curious about this. Did you post any identifying info of them or did you just post to twitter that this nelfas account told you to off yourself? I mean, posting what a person posted to you seems fine as well…it’s posted here so it’s not like it was a DM or something.

Could you tell us this story a bit so we get an idea of what went down with Nelfas?

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Your words, not mine. :point_down: :upside_down_face:

Because you’re a simply hateful person. :laughing:


Which you selectively quoted from:


I never do that. Only WoW Character names. Which are not personal information.

I simply posted what they have said in response to Jaesear’s comment today.


Ya know what’s the kicker? She also said this… lol. :point_down:

So she broke her own made up rule. lol.


You’re breaking code of conduct having this citation in your post.

Because if i wanted to ask or answer whole question i would have quoted whole sentence?

that’s why we need anonymous posting, so people can not stalk and harass others for different opinion.