New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Kind words my friend. Thank You! I wish more people like you could express their opinion here in more safer enviroment like as an anonymous posting.

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It would seem that way from reading the post.

And I think that is the correct stance

Combine this with an easy way to ignore permanently and across all tags and in game as an option and you would have something.

Roleplaying has nothing to do with the forums. Neither does character. Your character can still be visible, as can their name and their guild, and the battletag can still be included. Thereā€™s no reason to discount the forums for WoW using battletag as an option because of something so insignificant as roleplaying, and I say that as someone who roleplays on the RP servers with all the bells and whistles.


I donā€™t have an issue with Btags at all laughing at the claims of both sides isnā€™t an issue no matter how hard you cope about it.

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Never say I was interested in your personal life and Iā€™m not. Like I said, you are all ready anoynymous and are safe from stalkers, why ask for what you already have?

This sockpuppet sounds a lot like another poster I see very often.

So youā€™re pro-btags then.

Iā€™m pro whatever gets me more laughs.

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You are saying you should not have to deal with having a reputation based on your history with someone. How would that make the forum community less argumentative? How would it make people safer from stalking or heckling or simply messing with people?

This idea makes no sense. Itā€™s like saying we should do away with restraining orders because they stop people from being able to express themselves at the people who feel threatened by them. Itā€™s a really weird idea that sounds much more like it would come from an abuser rather than the abused.


Well i suspose it would be silly to assume youā€™re anti-harm and against people telling them to disappear if youā€™re just doing it for a laugh then.

I donā€™t care what you assume of me the opinions of strangers on the internet donā€™t matter

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ā€¦Replying is caring. If they truly donā€™t matter, why comment. People who laugh, donā€™t comment and pick a side bro.

Youā€™ve said you have no issue with btags. So why act like itā€™s an issue to state what youā€™ve said that with the excuse ā€œIā€™m just laughingā€?

Drexigan enjoys laughing as stated earlier I would imagine

Thatā€™s not true my myladi of the Sinā€™Doreiā€¦ We, Noble Kalā€™dorei, would like to discuss such topic as anonymous posting here.

But wretched orcs and and filthy fallen humans of Stormwind keep swarming and trying to interrupt this conversation!

We aware!

p.s. Great i like to RP in forums.


No, Shadina is correct. Roleplaying has nothing to do with the forums at all.

Thereā€™s no ā€œWeā€ in anything. I will not be grouped with a subpar human being who thinks telling somebody to off themselves is ā€œjUsT a DiFfErNet OPiNioNā€, and think itā€™s rude to block them for saying it. Thereā€™s a reason why i put you up on twitter.

I comment because its funny I donā€™t know how many times I have to tell you this a brick wall would have gotten it by now :rofl:


thatā€™s why exactly we need anonymous posting. You already making false claims and accusing me for no reason.

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Well if somebody told them to disappear, and you find that funny they are told that, that tells me exactly what side youā€™re on then.

we do not know truth or details. Unless we can see evidence, otherwise false claims.

Also thatā€™s why you need anonymous posting, because you already made false accusations about me in twitter. Reported.

Ainā€™t false if itā€™s true. Your words. Not mine.
