New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

So you’re saying you don’t have an issue with Btags being implemented then? Alright. :+1:

Not at all the people here can’t even stop themselves from taking the most obvious bait so Btags wouldn’t change anything I’d still get the same amount of laughs out of this place.

I’m just curious if someone would be kind enough to help me with this question.

How long ago was it that blizzard made their last blue post regarding the implementation of btags?

Was it quite recent or a long time ago?

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help with this question.

Then which is it?

If you are just truly laughing, you wouldn’t comment at all in taking a side.

Do you take an issue with Btags and side with anti-btaggers who are pro-harm, or not? Simple Question.

This is not my name. My character’s name. Everyone can use whatever name they wish.

Is there a particular reason why you are so interested in and about my life?

that’s why we need anoynymous posting to feel safe posting from stalkers like this kind.

or just someone using that name? nobody is impersonating anyone here.

exactly this, thank you for sharing.

incorrect. we have forum rules and CoC.

why exactly you block person? for different opinion? That’s rude.


Telling people to delete their save file is simply a different opinion now? AND You think it’s rude to block them for it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The best thing about a public forum is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

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I didn’t take a side I’m laughing at the idea that it would stop people from harassing or insulting each other its just as funny as the people who say Btags would lead to doxing or witch hunts. Both sides are hilarious.


why you posted from different character while accusing others of so called

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How is it rude to ignore someone? It is actually encouraged by moderation to ignore people if can’t engage appropiately with the person. In fact, there is no rules on the ignore too, so anyone can ignore anyone for any reason to no reason at all.


Then you wouldn’t comment. Simple.

I heard this excuse of “Oh i’m just laughing” before, to obfuscate the real side. To basically fake neutrality pretty much. And neutrality is pretty much gone from this topic the moment Anti-btaggers become pro-harm.

Me too!



Thank you very much for sharing your opinion on the matter

What the hell are you talking about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And how awful of a human being you must to be to look at somebody telling somebody to delete their savefile, and blame the victim for ignoring them? Or call that an opinion?


Since you refuse to quote my entire comment. I said this:

Telling someone to end their life is NOT having a different opinion. And if you truly think that, I feel sorry for you.

I’m starting to understand why you think you need anonymous posting, so you can pull stuff like this and get away with it. Can’t stand being held accountable for your actions? Shame. Try reddit.


battletags will never happen in blizzard World of warcraft forums, lets be honest.

for Roleplaying reasons, character and class reasons. It never going to happen.

While anonymous posting would be great as option for many of us. Then people would judge opinion rather then player.

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Thats nice I’ll continue laughing at whatever I want and I will point out that I think said thing is hilarious.


Yes exactly. People will no longer have a personal bias when judging an opinion, the opinion will be read with a neutral disposition which would be very good for the wow forums


you need a subscription to be able to post in forums. We have 24/7 working moderators and forum rules and CoC. Anonymous posting may not change anything for you, but for many of us, would great.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.

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So you do take an issue with btags then.