New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

If i recall, there’s a limit on how many posts you can flag in a given time period. Anonomous posting would just give trolls more ability to continue unabated, much like you already can on say a level 10 hunter or a level 55 dk, for example.

Quick edit- You also know how well the flagging of a topic by alts can be abused because you have done it as a “test”. Having everyone posting anonymously, and on alts, will make that much worse, and again you know this.

Falsely flagged topics and they were deleted for no reason, no consequences for me - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums


If you need the veil of anonymity in order to voice your opinion then you need to keep that opinion to yourself.

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That was not me. Someone else used my name, which is exactly why do not need btags.

anonymous posting would be great for more secure communication. Because you would not know who you talking too.

Anonymous posting would be optional. You could still use your characters name for e.g.

Someone used your name? That’s exactly why we need btag tags, then we can see when someone is spoofing your name.


For creating an even bigger dumpster fire on the forums.

I fixed your statement!

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We already don’t know who we’re talking to. We don’t even know your name or gender. We don’t know your age or where you live.

We literally know nothing about you. How much more anonymous can you get? The only difference between what exists now and what you’re asking for is that right now, you can be punished if you post abusive or racist stuff.

If you get your way, you can say whatever you wish and get away with it.


vrak just does his job and dont really see the things going on in the larger community


I’ve been on forums run this way, and they always end up as stink-tastic raging dumpster fires.

You may say that the WoW forums are already stink-tastic raging dumpster fires. Possibly, but going fully anon would make them worse, not better.

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That is EXACTLY why we need Btags. Btags would prevent someone for impersonating you ( which I high doubt is the truth because the profile picture is the same, as is the writing style. But I could confirm by seeing it was a different Btag) The Battlnet, Overwatch, and Diablo forums all utilize Btags. There is no good reason to not use them on the WoW forums.


Wait where did someone use your name?

That’s not what you said in those sultry whispers the other day… I feel used

It’s like one of those what we were promised what we got memems. Anyone touting this nonsense has this vision of a beautiful utopia filled with flowers and hopping bunnies…the reality would be a forest manure filled with burning hares

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I think that they’re trying to say that the Nelfas posting then (Nelfas from Azshara with six pets and the same transmog) isn’t the same person as them (Nelfas from Azshara with six pets and the same transmog) despite the fact that they both create spammy threads about wanting playable Silver Covenant High Elves and write exactly the same.

They appear to be unaware that we can see, even looking back to an old thread, that it’s the same poster, because the armory information is the same.

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Shhh you weren’t supposed to tell anyone! D:

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Yes I would agree. More secure communication would be good

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It is funny how the few people supporting this are just well known for being nuisances


Yes I don’t think that is the case either.

I would agree here, thank you very much for sharing your opinion

I’m just here to support BattleTags for the forums



That’s EXACTLY Why we need Btags. And that’s exactly why having an anon feature is bad as well.

If somebody impersonated you and did something heinous like… said something extremely racist or threaten to make the person and their family disappear, they would get away with it while you get the brunt end of the stick. Blizzard will even take action against you sometimes if there’s enough flags or if somebody tickets you for something you’ve never even did.


Or how about we just use RealID than