New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Omg i thought that was a road cone on your head but that’s your hat.

Ah okay.

It really does look like a road cone :eyes: I didn’t know that existed in Azeroth… omg has Blizz been lying to us this whole time??

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Like, they’ve been trying to make their post sound like trolling and sock puppeting doesn’t exist on the forums, and been using one of the arguments from one of the members of CS stating that it isn’t all that common.

Like, seriously, Blizzard can’t fully disclose every piece of information to the community, especially if it is something that is going to cause unrest on the forums. And now according them, I’m trolling.


They appear to have taken “It’s less common than most people think it is” and turned that into “It never happens at all”, which is false.


Can’t wait for the day when we finally see our BattleTags being used on the forums.


I gave them an example to prove that it does happen and they completely ignored it :slight_smile:

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I mean, yeah. The link to the Khorg thread is just Ard sockpuppeting and self-liking.

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That ain’t doxing, that’s just them being a mini dictator at that point.

And something else tells me Anti-taggers don’t have a problem with that too…

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Incorrect, none of the posts I quoted related to that.

It’s very easy to find what I’m referencing by searching Vraks posts for ‘Sockpuppet’.

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we have forum rules and CoC. Moderators doing their job to keep forums clean.

We just need this new function so people can freely post their opinion without being judged or ridiculed because of their different opinion.

Well that’s technically true, because none of the posts you currently have in this thread have quoted or linked to anything.

Unless you’re admitting to sockpuppeting.


Yep and those same folks know how hard their job is now. It would be double if not triple as hard if they added this feature. Which is a primary reason why you will never see it added

Just being real with you.


we do not know this. That’s why i made such topic to make awareness about this.

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Yes we do. By how long it takes them to remove the Obvious “troll threads” that a CLEARLY a violation of the forum rules. Its clear they are stretched thin as it is. Its called deductive reasoning.


He keeps saying "They see it as a waste of resources "

Who does Blizzard?

That’s kind of funny seeing that there is no actual Blizzard employee/s that make the programing for the forums seeing how they are made by a 3rd party site.

Even if Blizz did make their own forums it wouldn’t be part of the teams that do game development it would be it’s own separate team with its own budget

Of course they do .

YOu know their mantra .
“When the facts presented get in the way , perpetuate the lie/s to furthur the agenda (trolling)”


lets not do moderator work here. If you think something is violating forum CoC flag post and pick a reason. No need make assumption and ridcule other players topic because you do not like them.

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You already can, you are doing it right now.

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