New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Who said anything about trying to get this thread deleted? I was offering my two copper to the discussion on how they could make it work, because we all know that there would be some types being faster on the trigger to post really awful stuff if no one knew the source save for the forum moderators.

I have seen forums way worse than this. At worst, you’ll get some kid raging hard for about an hour or two before the post gets wiped. Just sounds like the ones who live and breathe off these forums want no one else but them around by the others who live here.

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I’m not referring to this thread in particular, but it’s been a common tactic every time forum improvements are suggested (and I mean actual improvements, not trying to turn the forums into post Elon Twitter).

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Fair. Don’t really encounter many of those in general discussion though. Most common suggestion that would be a straight benefit would be the 30-day lock on inactive threads in general discussion, since very rarely would a thread remain relevant for so long of no one posting like one might in bug report, technical support, realm or guild recruitment forums.

People jumping into topics solely to try and derail the thread or antagonize other players is reportable, either way.

Except it is. I’ve just told you exactly:

While the community “speculates,” every member of moderation, the CS, everyone who works at Blizzard has to find ways to calming down the community. Which is why, they can’t always disclose such information. Although they don’t defend the people trolling the forums, they can’t exactly say stuff that can cause unrest within the community. Which is why they have policies on what they can and can’t disclose.

If you think my post is entirely wrong, go to CS, and ask them.


i just want to say the recent additions we’ve had to this thread have been very informative and i would like to thank you to Kaine and petdetective and tooshi and moondoggie.

it really helps me understand these forums better. i really appreciate it.

As has likely been stated before, if it was really an issue Blizzard would’ve done something about it by now.

It is just being blown out of proportion as an issue.

Blizzard can’t predict how people are going to act. They are humans, not AI that can see into the future.

Who could impose tighter restrictions to reduce toxicity.

But have not.

Such as what?

Reforms to the CoC or ToS, more moderation.

They probably see it as a waste of resources if I had to guess their stance on it, if it was ever considered as an issue by the shot callers.

And how is this suppose to help with the forums?

What you think doesn’t mean it is a fact. CS have mentioned time and time again, they want to improve the functionality of the forums, in ways to also help prevent certain types of things from being abused.


Why don’t you, instead of trying to troll here? I already directly quoted from CS.


All foxes look alike smh


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nope nope nope nah nay

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Lol, cool story. Well, on the ignore list you go. I mean, hey, I’m providing with actual information, and all of a sudden, it is now trolling to you.


No you didn’t. What quotes?

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You don’t speak for the CS team, they have no interests in our squabbles.

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History has taught us things never go well when people get to remain Anonymous

Just being real. Its just a bigger incentive to say and do whatever. aka Be a jerk.

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They are talking about the CS thread in relation to the T-Squad, when I was trying to repeat to them Blizzard can’t fully disclose information to the community.