New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Almost never the case.

They’ve mentioned it more than once since.

To your irl info, yeah, to your warcraft info, no. People can still recognize ‘you’.

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Um, this is entirely inaccurate. There is a few posters who does troll the forums or sock puppet. Reason why Blizzard doesn’t fully go into details with all this, because they have certain policies that restricts them from disclosing such information.

While some people know of some people who do troll and sock puppet the forums, Blizzard knows more on who does and who doesn’t. And CS staff such as Vrak or Orylia, can’t disclose that sort of information on who does or doesn’t.

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yes i would agree.

that is also a very good point.

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Am I the only person here who isn’t ACTUALLY the toon posting? Ya’ll know I am not Draenei right? I am human. And my name is not actually larilostra.

So I am already anon.





vrak already said that sock puppets n alt hopping werent that bad, even when tsquad was up he said it wasn’t just one person, it was multiple people and he was notorious.

so yeah, people really think we have a rampant amount of trolls and its strange lmao.


But you are a fox. A real life fox.

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I got enough hair to be considered one I guess. XD

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I actually look like guy on the left IRL I acan’t even use magic. And if I die I can’t rez.

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Na that’s my cousin on my mom’s side.

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People just view anyone that disagrees or is passive aggressive with them as trolls. They have this idea that the forums will magically start agreeing with their posts and they will become more favorable if only we had btags.

I don’t think that’s the case. I think sock-puppeting is not common and neither is trolling really. The worst of the trolls are actually dealt with pretty quickly as well.


This is a wall
:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square:
:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square:

You might have a better chance of having an intelligent conversation with it compared to the :fox_face:


I think I’ve had a more intelligent conversation with him about whether or not he needs dinner at 2:45 PM.

It is not.

March 2nd they mention most instances are incorrect as to reiterate of what they’ve said before, most of the time people calling others someone else are incorrect.

May 22nd they stated they keep an eye out for sockpuppeting and action it. They stated it isn’t very common, and in many of the cases they look into the people accusing others of beings alts of x or y character have almost always been wrong.


that’s what omega-doxxing looks like imo…

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I think the only way Anonymous posting can function is if they implement a stricter policy to permaban people who abuse such things faster.

If one isn’t confident enough to voice their opinion without a veil of anonymity then maybe such an opinion should be kept to oneself.

And this should absolutely include joining a thread on a topic you don’t like, but is a perfectly acceptable topic, with the intent of getting the thread deleted because you don’t like what it’s asking for.

I’m like the guy next to Cousin it but head is shave and have a goatee

thank you very much for the accurate information. i appreciate it.

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