New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Actually, they got their forum account suspended, and it looks like the 6 month are up, I’m guessing a Perma Ban is coming soon.

Just an FYI, I do know the Btags of the fox, the undead lady and a few others, when they DO implement Account wide ignores, I’ll be able to add them real quick.


You call someone a troll upfront and expect them to engage with you?

Do you deny it?

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That’s always the excuse isn’t it? “Oh i’m just uncomfortable”… lol. It’s like a dogwhistle to them.

And the burgertrashcan or whats his face is still talking to me, still doesn’t understand that being uncomfortable over a disagreement is no excuse. People should talk whatever topic they like and if they dislike it, they are gonna have to deal with it.


I both agree and disagree with this. I wouldn’t mind it per se if when posting anonymously it had to be approved by a MVP, counsel member or Bliz rep as to stop “Zul’jins” from posting

I already know they’re gonna pull a Petyr Balish and be like “AYE, I DENY IT!! None of you were there to see it, as Lord of the Veil I command you to guide me to safety” and then Arya Stark was like “yeah, no”

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I really don’t care at this point, as most who dislike me are supporters of Btags or account wide ignores and they’ll find any reason to be upset with me.

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I assume you mean trolls and not people from zul’jin.

Side eyes the hunter


as a 4chan fan, I agree. Let Anon rise!

Yes but using that word has gotten a friend silenced before so I avoid typing it directly

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That’s… interesting. There’s a :troll: emoji too.

May be context? Who knows.

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More than likely and was also using it in game (both in HOTS and in WOW).
I now just avoid it to be on the safe side :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya mean the site where they are cooperating with the FBI and also has a few unsavory types dox others if they dislike what they said or etc?

that site died generations ago.
now is the age of redditors :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I was about to say… people still use 4chan?

the most important thing on a public forum is for everyone to get along and be kind to each other.

Truth be told, I am surprised the forums aren’t fully as bad as now with the current system. I mean, stuff like what happened today isn’t 100% a common occurrence, but isn’t exactly a rare occurrence either.

But that being said, it does show there still needs to be a bigger improvement towards the forums in other smaller stuff. And my vote is on adding BattleTags, and just having everything linked to the BattleTag with the option to still post from our characters. Only that can help with the smaller stuff.


well, some people just feel uncomfortable discussing certain topics and i think that is perfectly fine.

also where they call airstrikes on terrorist training camps…

Really? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


:o: okay, that checks out.

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