New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

I think dunce caps could more easily be applied if we could see a relevant account/character. Anonymous posters should simply be dismissed.

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Ty for the info. When someone gets that bad, I hope it gets passed to the moderation team in game. We can argue, disagree blah blah but thatā€™s too much. Perma ban from the game and forums imo. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Much love <3

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It would be a disaster.


Wise you are, butā€¦
It would be a great dumpster fire

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Generally speaking, they donā€™t tend to ā€œcross-the-streamsā€. That said, itā€™s not entirely unheard of, just extremely rare. In the 13+ years Iā€™ve been posting, I think Iā€™ve only seen it once. Thatā€™s not to say it hasnā€™t happened more, just that Iā€™ve only seen one player in that time mention that they received an in-game action for a forum vacayā€¦but that was long ago.

It could just be that they canā€™t post any longer if they receive an in-game perma-ban and thatā€™s why we donā€™t see it anymore too. I actually canā€™t say for certain. Todayā€™s nonsense was definitely the first time I think Iā€™ve had that thought though. I do hope their 2-week turned into something a little more creative.

I canā€™t even imagine how terrible these forums would be if the OP had their way.


Youā€™re literally the same Dracthyr dude that kept boasting about how polite they are and then deleted their character when they finally realized that nobody wanted to talk to them anymore.


Ok, Iā€™m going to focus on the confidence part.

ā€œwould greatly increase self-confidenceā€

Iā€™m going to say it again, if you are not confident on what you post online then you probably should not post it, this isnā€™t like 2b2t where there is no moderator intervention on what you do on the server (unless you count other players as ā€œmoderator interventionā€) or other forums where you can post freely.

I and others have been saying this and you choose to ignore on why anon posting is bad a couple of posts ago man, so let me explain again.

There are some people here on this site that make and use level 10 classic characters as a form of ā€œanonā€ posting, some of those people can be good and chill, some people could be bad.

Most of us here focus on the bad part and I get it, I have seen level 10 classic characters hop in some threads with the intent to troll and bring the toxicity with them such as harassment, armory shaming and hate speech and get away from repercussions. I dont think giving the ability to anon post isnā€™t a great idea.

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Translation- I like to sock puppet, harass, and troll, so iā€™m not going to engage because it would become more apparent than it already is that is what I seek to accomplish, but I will word my response in a way that makes you look aggressive, and that way I donā€™t have to answer.

Itā€™s Uulomul and Ddoobly back at it again after months and months have gone by. Some things really never change.


increasing the self-confidence of posters would be beneficial to the forums.

When you have to coarse me into a conversation or write my story for me, you have to ask whoā€™s looking to step over the line here.

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At this point Iā€™m repeating myself and I dont want to delve any further then that.

everyone is free to post and i think that is a good thing for the forums

thank you for sharing your opinion, though, my wonderful friend :slight_smile:

the word is coerce which no one did, you just choose to deflect, again, just like i said you would.

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I donā€™t have to argue just for someone else to try defining my stances for me.

Thatā€™s not even the worst part about that.

The worst part is the forum doesnā€™t actually censor that word if you type it eitherā€¦

I get that it can also be for ignition timing butā€¦ when is THAT ever gonna come up in conversation around here??? Like, who just casually talks about ignition timing?


You are unwilling to defend your stance at all, which leads everyone to believe your stance is indefensible. You made a statement and when engaged stomped your feet and refused to elaborate, which is a well know troll tactic leading people to understandably believe that was your intention the entire time. And you continue to perpetuate that belief with every non-response you make. Good day.



Itā€™s why I donā€™t respond to him usually. If he wonā€™t answer anything then I wonā€™t ask and just talk about something else.

I wish I was kiddingā€¦ least it used to be that way. If they fixed it GOOD.