New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

His “suggestion” is to wipe the existing forums, and have everyone start from scratch with no name.

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This would be stupid. your anon already posting on level 10 characters.


I mean why would I bother?

You just asked for a fight I don’t want.

Did anyone expand on how this would make people be nice?

I asked for a discussion on the topic.


No, only that it would protect all the bad actors who have earned a bad reputation by repeatedly misbehaving.


Oh sure you did.

Unfortunatly, we can’t discuss your ideas if you refuse to tell us what they are.


Makes sense.

Bad actors definitely would push for ways to protect themselves.

I did. Historically, you become “uncomfortable” (your words, not mine), and stop participating in a conversation the moment anyone asks you to expand on a vague statement.


Because I think the forum has a lot of problems, such as hate speech and harassment, and making people anonynous would allow people to get away with saying such things more openly.

When someone makes a homophobic thread, I always check the likes. That way I can avoid dealing with such people in the future. I wouldn’t be able to that if they were anonymous.

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As I said, I’m not looking for a fight.

I have things to do.

Yet you’re just going to keep posting here instead every time someone replies to you.


Those things are to continuously post on the forums while not participating in your own conversation?


Then i would just not engage on the topic with him.

If he dont want to talk well he wont talk. Nothing a person can do at that point.

If you dont talk to me, that is a form of targeted ignore.

You have said targeted ignore is bad.

Please respond.


You keep hurling accusations and eventually you’ll get flagged for them.

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Wrong fox Akston.

I need to change my transmog ><


Then flag me.

Can yall stop dressing a like plz.

I will watch for the shoulders lol

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Lol I’ll change it up. Yeah i see ard post and even i get confused sometimes.

Im also grey he is red.


God forbid we hand out dunce caps to those who merit them…

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Flags cost 7 gp.

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