New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

You just gonna keep alt hopping?

It’s obvious at this point…


Thank you! :innocent:

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Thats interesting. I wish I could share the email from Blizz moderation and screenshot of my post because what I said did not contain any offensive words or language at all. Another poster also responded, and we had a brief discussion about music genres. 100% tame. I know everyone claims that, but as i said previously you can look up the singers and the groups they are associated with and none of the 5 total words that made up their name were offensive of violated ToU. It was the 3 band names and a pop star and that was offensive enough to be flagged and warrant deletion apparently. I believe you that it’s not auto moterated, but I am finding it difficult to understand how this decision was made by a human with common sense.

but when are the btags going to be added? has blizzard made a recent post to explain when they will be added?

thank you so much for the response, my friend.

i greatly appreciate you taking the time to share.

i hope you have a lovely day :slight_smile:

If it was only deleted and no action was taken, then I wouldn’t sweat it. I’ve had a post or two removed over the years that I’ve been posting too. Unless you receive an account action, there’s nothing to appeal anyway.

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fair enough

Btags would’ve done nothing to stop the poster from posting what they did.

Giving you more tools to shame people into silence doesn’t work.

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i think that i would agree with that, Ard… thank you for taking the time to share that.

They’re the reason the forums should be using BattleTags.


Yeah… they won’t.

It doesn’t improve anything forum related, if anything it will just allow some questionable individuals to post something out of line or harass others. We have already seen it with some people using level 10 or level 55 dk throw away characters here with low post counts in this site with the purpose to post something that is out of line or just harass others that they otherwise can’t do if they post on their actual main character.

Since you say that having an option to be anon will make people confident when posting on the forums, I say this:

If you want anon posting where you can confidently post, go to 4chan.


personally i believe that they will help to make the forums better.

fixed that for you to be more truthful in your intent

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Please don’t insult 4chan. Atleast they’re a little better than Khrog sockpuppeting behaviour.

Ok so answer my question then.

How would anon posting make the forum a better place?

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the OP already answered this question and i agree with that answer.

It wouldn’t without some sweeping re-forms on the forum, something along the lines of picking fights or insulting posters a bannable offence and a full wipe of the current forum.

I’m just happy that other ideas other than Btags for the entire forum has solidified as a suggestion as it looks like Blizzard isn’t taking this thread down.

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ard you have some really interesting insights, thank you very much for sharing them with us today.

Anonymous posting would do far more harm than good.


why do you think this? where i have seen anonymous posting before, I have seen it be well-received and beneficial.

What suggestions do you have?

Or is this where you become uncomfortable and refuse to participate in the conversation outside of a trolling level?