New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Yes they will.

I hope that when they implement b-tags, they will be in the current forums and retroactive. Just for some good laughs. I feel like the person advocating for this anonymous stuff is likely doing so on several posting characters.

Sure, there are a lot of people who like to troll and sock-puppet, but it would be great to see Blizz call them out.

+1 for b-tags.


That’s why btags shouldn’t be used.

Going against what Vrak stated on that one, they said it’s almost never the case when people accuse it.


Yes that is what the blue post said.

So you don’t think people troll or sock-puppet in these threads?

If I recall, Vrak was referring to a specific thread with that comment. Either way, I don’t think that there’s any question that people do indeed troll these forums in general, as well as people who sock-puppet.

It’s likely the reason why Vrak has also stated that they’re looking at a system more like the b-tag one for these forums. It’s already something that they want. At no point has Blizzard stated that they want to make the forums completely anonymous. Why? Because they are technically already anonymous unless people choose to use their real name when naming their character, and we still get people, like this morning, who feel empowered to post hatred and racism.


i think that was stated almost two years ago at this point, though, correct?

That was on the topic about T-Squad.


Thank you for continuing with spamming and trolling. You’re giving me every reason to still use the little blue flag.


I’d like to know this as well. I had a post removed earlier today because it was deemed “offensive”. I listed the 3 bands Maynard James Keenan is a singer in and a female pop star from New Jersey as my favorite music. Literally all that was said. “I’m more of a X-band, Y-band, z-band and female pop singer guy myself” (Not going to list any of the names but Maynard James Keenan is the singer in all 3, and the young lady is named after a subway station in Brooklyn New York) Apparently that was offensive enough for someone like the troll in this thread to mass report and get deleted. I highly suspected that there is a completely automated system for forum moderation.


i really don’t see any problem with this.

thank you for your input, though, friend :slight_smile:

Dare I ask what happened?


Best it doesn’t get discussed Fuzz. All I can say, it was extremely bad.


That bad dang.

I slept in til 3 p.m same as so glad I did.

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There is not. If there were, the threads from earlier today would have been dealt with prior to a thread dedicated to me un-living myself (and worse).

The forum software is through a company called Discourse, but all moderation is done by humans with the exception of when a post is flagged enough times, it goes grey and hidden.

Otherwise, any deletion or account actions are 100% human driven.

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Oh… oh no im so sorry /hug

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It’s all good Fuzz :wink: Thankfully, as a CS MVP, we have some ways of raising big flags when completely necessary. I’ve reached out when I’ve seen people providing their real name, address, email or phone number even to get that info wiped from the forums and save posters from hacking/phishing/identity theft.

I’m good though. I had them on ignore and didn’t buy their bait. It was 0/10 bait.


Exactly this.

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Well, can’t wait for BattleTags on the forums. Then alts can’t be used to continue the same behaviour as what happened earlier.


yes, i would agree with that.

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