New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

nothing screams politeness like having incentive to say horrible things while facing absolutely no reprucussions because nobody knows who’s saying what anymore.

I get that they’re just trolling again on their 12th alt but that’s such a brain dead take that I can almost start to feel my own braincells whittle away and cry out for mercy in agony.

People who aspouse such nonsense don’t even deserve the spectacle of attention.


Name them, which forums are they?
You are either going to completely and utterly ignore my question or come up with some outlandish reason why you can’t name them because you are a troll, and a poor one at that.

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Posting anonymously would make this place funnier and really the only reason I bother coming here is for the laughs so I’m all for it :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

That’s your problem if you don’t want to be criticized for what you do. Not the people criticizing you.

Looking at publicly available websites isn’t stalking btw.


even going beyond that, it should just be my own personal choice, of my own volition, to just willingly decide not to interact with players whom I find problematic or annoying for whatever reason.

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I won’t go into detail for obvious reasons, but… are you okay?

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I’m going to hazard a guess the poster you’re talking about pulled a QuantiumTV?

something that would be solved with an anonymous forum posting system.

Oh god, it was talked about on one of the discords I’m on what happened this morning, and my god, I hope that person who have done it gets the full wrath of the moderation.


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No, it would not. After what happened earlier, this goes to show your argument is entirely wrong on this whole argument. I mean, I asked you a question earlier which you’ve ignored. And you haven’t even proven why anonymous posting would improve the forums, instead, quoting with comments such as “i agree with this my friend” or “being polite goes a long way.”

Here is a fact Balak/Doobly/Khrog/Every other 55dk sockpuppet alt you have posted from, what the forums needs is either BattleTags, or some sort of forum account identifier, to stop people such as yourself, using alts to troll, using alts to sockpuppet, in fact, to stop people such as yourself thinking you’re above the rules of the forums.


Thank you so much for your input friend, I really appreciate you taking the time to share with us.

I agree with this statement definitely, being polite is very important.

Have a lovely day, friend :slight_smile:

In otherwords, they have just proven the forums need BattleTags underneath our names.


Idk why anybody even tries with Doobly. You’re always going to get the same fake “politeness” troll gimmick.


One paid account = one forum account. No character switching to mass report or sock puppet/troll. The D4 and OW forums are set up like this. Why this forum is not set up this way is a mystery. Are the forums contracted out? It would be nice if Blizz would tell us why. These forums would be a welcome place to discuss the game instead of the political echo chamber they have become. It would clean these forums up so much and free up a LOT of CM time.

Zero politics of any kind (government, identity, etc…) should be allowed on these forums. The forum’s TOS needs to be revised. “Upsetting people” needs to be removed from it.

Dooby is actually Lilthia. lol.

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I’m good :wink: I know better than to take that sort of stuff personally. I had already put them on ignore before they made a special thread just for me.

100% a good example of how, even with character names and servers, someone still felt anonymous enough to do that.

Thankfully, a completely anonymous system isn’t in Blizzard’s future. This thread is unnecessary, as it’s never going to happen.


We don’t know that for sure, though. Blizzard has never expressly stated that the forums will never use an anonymous posting system.

I hope you have a lovely day :slight_smile:

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Surely everyone will be kind and nice as an anon right?

Surely there wont be some anon dropping the R word bombs on people because they disagree with him right?

Surely there wont be some anon posting his wildest dreams right?

Listen man, if you want anonymous posting, go to 4chan.

I have seen enough throw away level 10s and level 55 classic dks doing this type of stuff.


Enforced single posting identity would pretty definitively stop that from being a question, whereas full anonymous posting will just lead to it being asked more often.

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