New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

where did she say this? deleted post?

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Sorry, I was being silly. I do agree with this actually, in terms of adding block/ignore functionality. I think so many forum problems (not just WoW forums, but any forums) could be solved with robust ignore functionality. Rather than muting the “offending” party, the “offended” party should just be able to cut them out of their life.

Not that mutes/bans are never justified either, but I just have a high tolerance for what I think should be allowed in a forum, as long as people have the power to moderate their own experience through /ignore features


Anti-Btaggers don’t deserve respect if their pro harm.

heck, known trolls don’t deserve respect.


the best option is to always be polite and respectful to everyone.

it just makes the world a nicer place to be, thank you very much, my friend :slight_smile:

Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. If people against BTags being used on the forums prefer to be a bit disrespectful and rather spread misinformation surrounding BTags and their functionality, then let them. But don’t sink to their level.

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hahahaha good joke there m8.

Only 1 site for that truely and seeing as you’re a reddit i know you’ll revolt at its name immediatly lol.

You should do the same thing to everyone else too, especially towards using alts to bypass people’s ignores intentionally to harass people, as you have done countless times on the forums.

Yeah, bet you didn’t expect that using alts to troll the forums and to bypass people’s ignores intentionally is also considered as being disrespectful.


I wouldn’t either usually, but if somebody from anti-btag side hesitates, nay, don’t even say “No i don’t think it’s right for you to get people telling you to delete your save file” and instead they told me “Oh it’s unconfortable to talk about” dancing around it pretty much with no answer…

Kind of makes one think here on where they fall, esp since in the topic of btags.

And it really makes me reconsider ever giving them the benefit of the doubt here.

No need to apologize :wink: That’s why I said I knew you were just kidding. There are some here who can’t tell the difference unfortunately and would take something like that and try and be like “SEE!!!11!!Eleventy-one!!!” They try and use anything to bolster their wish to make the forums easier to troll, post hate, sock-puppet and so forth.

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personally, i would like to say Ardmccloud is a very polite and respectful poster. I value Ard’s dignity and ard’s willingness to always treat everyone with respect.

I know, but let them be them, and let them get into trouble for their own behaviour. We can see what they are doing, Blizzard can even see what they are doing, and if we sink to their level, then we’re no better than they are.

I has my reasons for mistaking the post.

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It’s better to be honest, then to be polite. I’m not gonna lie about my opinion because somebody is fake positive.

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I still think it unwise for an MVP to pick sides on an issue that has been arguably blown out of proportion by now.

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i think the best option is to respect someone’s decision to not speak about a particular topic if that is what they choose.

You were told this by Mirasol in my threads, MVP’s don’t pick a side. They base everything they post in relation to these topics on the basis of their own opinions.

For the record, I wasn’t referring to you :wink:

/puts out some crumpets and tea

I really need to make some homemade crumpets tomorrow…adds a reminder to the Googler

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Then they shouldn’t be picking them.

Sorry to you too, sometimes I make outrageous statements that I actually believe, so you can never really know.

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they know exactly what they’re doing

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