New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

It isn’t you specifically but I’ve been on here long enough to have had coordinate flags thrown at me and when posters are itching to see me perma banned…I gata draw the line somewhere.

No Ard. We just want you to back up your accusations with F.A.C.T.S. that’s all. Just prove us all wrong. You will have a dozen or more people saying “Holy heck! Ard was right!”. Just prove us wrong and tell us how it so easily can be accomplished.


You feel that expanding on your own statements, and showing how btags could be used to stalk someone could get you perma banned?

If anything these statements would be a huge public service event. Show Blizzard things they need to fix.


Potentially yes.

Would you risk it if you where me?

Ard you have been in the cult too long. Take a step back and back away! Not everything and everyone is out for you.


How so?

What rule do you feel you would be breaking that would get someone perma banned?

I would have to know what rules you feel you may potentially break to answer that question.


Oooo oooo this sounds fun, I wanna go next!

I googled mine and got… a bunch of results for Katekyo Hitman Reborn because I used the vongola name as my btag :dracthyr_lulmao: Dang, I was hoping for something more interesting.


I get a bioscience company that focuses on Animal health. Which is like 99% of the first page

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Yes, I would risk it, because if there was a flaw within a system that could lead to that sort of stuff, I’d be sure to let Blizzard know about it so they can be made aware of it and patch it up. How ever, since there is no flaws, no way of stalking anyone using BTags, it goes to show you don’t know what you’re talking about, and just looking for any excuse to continue with the trolling.


Ok if you have that power

Can you make it 2025 and the election is over because I don’t want to live it for 8 more months?

Can you make me independently wealthy so I can work when I want and donate all the things to the furry creatures of the world?

And can you find me that “drink me” bottle so I can go through the looking glass back to the “normal” whakadoodle of the early 2000s?

That would be awesomesauce

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But you said you explained it elsewhere many times, and don’t seem to be permabanned. Weird.


Times change.

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I never play stupid hide and seek with my alts in the forums…I use my Main here most times unless its something to do with a certain class or race then I change to that one then back to this one.

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i think you had an impersonator a while back just a reason why i think more accountability needs to happen

Really…first I have heard about that…strange…I know years back I had a in game stalker …would follow me from zone to zone as I was leveling up a new alt …they would go in and kill everything all the npcs and that was a horde person doing the killing…some how I upset them in PVP…hehe

Same here. I changed once because everyone was talking about their lizards. The only other time I changed was when I ran out of likes but saw such a funny comment that I had to switch characters just so I could like it haha

yeah and several others too i think just about everyone knew what way up with that as well

Lmao this thread is still up? :exploding_head:


It is. Not only that, the OP was reinstated at least once already.

It’ll probably be gone in the morning.