New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

No Ard, you’ll never take responsibility for anything you do, because it is always someone elses fault.

Just like everytime you get actioned on the forums, it is always someone elses fault.


No but here’s some popcorn

Passes the hunter some popcorn

Also what’s with that bucket on your head?

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Thank you :dracthyr_heart:

And it’s a reward I got from a dungeon. It was better than my current so I changed it. Since my dang shirt hasn’t updated, I didn’t think the helmet would update so I didn’t bother changing the mog… You see my regret now.

If I was as terrible as you built me up to be I wouldn’t still be here.

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They just don’t like that Pluto is small.

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size shouldnt matter if it adequately performs its job as a planet


I didn’t built you. I didn’t tell you to go break the Code of Conduct, or to troll the forums. You’ve done that yourself, multiple times in the past in fact.

This kinds of reminds me of one of the voice lines from Teemo in LoL…

“Size doesn’t matter”

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But that requires emotional maturity. Give him another 200 turns of maximizing science income and maybe he’ll reach that point on the tech tree.

I can only assume that Blizzard doesn’t share that opinion.

I agree completely.

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Just like I can only assume you dont actually share the opinion that btags can be used to stalk people.

Since you never say how they can be used to stalk people :wink:


I have but the discussion has spiraled.

No more arguing my point.

You have not once in this discussion outlined how it could be done.

You are the reason it spiraled.

When you began making wild accusations against others, and continuously derailing the conversation, the discussion spiraled.


At this point, it is just pointless even trying with him.


I can also argue that asking me to stalk someone to prove my point is also taking it too far.

If that isn’t good enough for you then too bad.

At this point there’s nothing I can say that won’t displease you.

I immediately withdrew the statement when I realized you were going to use it to pretend you were uncomfortable.

Why isnt it good enough that I withdrew the question?

It would greatly please me if you outlined how one could potentially stalk someone by knowing their btag.


This thread certainly has gone places.

It’s always a good time when akston tries to hold people accountable to their opinions.

so in honor of this thread, I googled my btag and came back with… my old dog’s youtube channel, a pinterest board in which I shared pictures of a Dalek pumpkin I carved, a bunch of wow related randomness, some forum results. riveting stuff. so not stalkery.


Don’t worry, next stop for the thread will be that planet that was discovered in the 90’s… You know, 51 Pegasi b.

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Its gone places in the same way that a car gets stuck in the mud.