New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

then anonymous function could be like they implemented in ow2.

“hide my name” in forums, also full profile privacy. if i want my armory to be private, it should be private.

It is not your armory, just like your account technically does not belong to you.


And yet Blizzard doesn’t seem to think so. They make it quite easy to look up that public information.

Maybe you should write them a strongly worded email about it. Do please let us know what they tell you.

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which is false. You already can set preferance to make forum account private, yet there is a work around to still see players armory.

Which only hides the summary page. You can still use the search function to find all your post.

That is because all our characters, our mounts, our titles and achievements, in fact, the entire account belongs to Blizzard, not us. The only thing within the accounts we actually do own is our real life information.

All this is stated in the End-User License Agreement.


Your account isn’t private, your activity is. That doesn’t apply for the armory because we can just search your name and find it without a problem.

This was clearly designed by Blizzard because they don’t view this as private information because it’s not.

What your character is wearing is not private information, nor is how many mounts they’ve collected.


For instance.

or even better:

you don’t even need to be on the forums to find someone’s post history.


Careful, she’ll report you for stalking her!


If I linked my gnome lock, Felshorter, would that count as stalking myself?

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Okay, one - she’s cute as a button I want to hug her.

Two - yes, you’re stalking yourself AND you’re aiding others in stalking you smh That’s a double crime, missy!


It’s called “my account” not blizzard account.

“ Your use of the Platform is licensed, not sold, to you, and you hereby acknowledge that no title or ownership with respect to the Platform or the Games is being transferred or assigned and this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights.”

-Blizzard EULA

You signed that you agreed to this when you created your account. If you no longer agree with this, you may revoke your agreement by deleting your account.


i was working on a reply…

but then discovered that this is just a bait thread.

i mean…

post on a classic character.

no armory.



i know that, but EU regulations protect users from such. Not sure about US.

ive been on the lgbt topic and didn’t see it . whether it’s true or not you shouldn’t keep spreading rumors esp when or if they been actioned for it and haven’t did it again.

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You are posting on the US forum run by a US company.

Also, the EU version of the EULA says the same thing.

And what EU law says it’s illegal to have a contract where 1 party gets a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use a service in exchange for money? It has an offer, acceptance, and consideration.


The OP doesn’t want their character name to be shown at all. They also refuse BTags as a solution because they wouldn’t show their character name. Don’t ask me how that’s supposed to make sense.


Over half of the responses have also been the same exact line repeated ad nauseam.

I would say there’s a single braincell shared between the four characters parroting the OP’s cult-like mantra but there doesn’t even appear to be one present.

“Here is proof that online anonymity makes people worse in an overwhelming majority of cases!”
OP: “But anonymity makes everyone nice and those dead bodies don’t matter because they were real people and not paid subscription game forums. :clown_face: