New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

yes, anonymous posting would be great, people were asking more privacy for too long.


With the sole exception of the Licensors’ Games, Blizzard is the owner or licensee of all right, title, and interest in and to the Platform, including the Games that are produced and developed by Blizzard (“Blizzard Games”), Custom Games derived from a Blizzard Game, Accounts, and all of the features and components thereof. The Platform may contain materials licensed by third-parties to Blizzard, and these third-parties may enforce their ownership rights against you in the event that you violate this Agreement. The following components of the Platform (which do not include content or components of the Licensors’ Games), are owned or licensed by Blizzard

source: Section 2, sub-section 1 of Blizzard’s End-User License Agreement.

Now, you go ahead and tell Blizzard that you do not agree to the EULA.


It won’t make the topic go away.

Nice try though.

if they were as paranoid as they claim, they wouldn’t use the forum at all.

instead, it’s a case of “LOOK AT ME!!!”



This place isn’t ran by posters, its ran by Blizzard.

You don’t see them trying to make example of posters.

I mean, the OP outright said they were doing this for attention about… 1800 posts ago? Right now, more or less just building up more and more against the idea. Though also helps to identify the willfully ignorant trolls and those that are easily tricked into supporting awful ideas that would make the problems they already complain about worse.

Now that I think about it, it reminds me that these kind of people are the target audience for Kitchen Gun.


Oh man the Ladies thread is 100% why anon posting wiuld be bad.

Imagine if that was a anon poster i couldn’t of recognized on an alt and blocked right away.

Fyi they wished death on my cat soooo… yeah.

Right under this comment

I feel like this is following the fallacy where if someone dies as a result of gun violence the reaction to it is to ban all guns.

Just doesn’t work that way.

Anonymous posting is DANGEROUS and should not be allowed.

Vongola#1794 has been posted many times and I haven’t had a single issue from anyone. No one has stalked me or learned anything personal about me.



I’m still waiting for Saracalia#1520, but never going to see that any time soon.


So youre ok with them saying what they did about my cat?

Also yes youre still on my ignore i just wanted to see what was said so gonna see your response and not click on unhide anymore


I’m saying that if everyone used their pain as justification to get what they wanted, then the world would be a far different place than it is.

And just like that, garbage take.

Great talk.

Wishing death on someone, even if it’s an animal, is cruel and they deserve to be banned for it. Not to mention all the other vile things they said.

Defending them is not a good look, man. Though, given your takes in this thread so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if you supported what they said.

From what I’ve seen, no one on the anonymous side seems to have any humanity or sympathy for their fellow man which is absolutely disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I’m flicking through what the moderation recommends and that is that you shouldn’t engage with those type of posters at all as its counter productive.

As it is to try guilting me onto your side since I haven’t immediately agreed with what you’re saying.

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Your “solution” is to just do nothing and hope things will somehow get better.


Oh trust me, I don’t want you on my side. Or anywhere NEAR my side.

Please stay over there with the other people who have terrible takes, refuse to offer proof of their claims, constantly insult people and refuse to have any sympathy for those who have been abused or harassed. You seem quite comfortable there, anyway.


Troll is gone. That was quick. Good.

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Without more revamps outside of Btags and account wide ignores, none of that would’ve stopped posters from posting horrible things.

You only give them power by responding to it.

99% positive that the DK and new Pally that just started chiming in are the same person