New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

i think that is a good stance to have.

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Ofcourse you can’t, because you ignore what everyone has said, and ignore at everything that people has put in front of you. People have explained the real dangers of anonymous posting, but you seem to act like Eddy Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop going “Lalalalala, I can’t hear you.”

Even the stories people have experienced, you call it fake stories.


i was just making an educated and informed decision based upon the evidence.

That sentence is not applicable to the situation or conversation we were having, so no.

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and i am going to disagree with that.



glad we could settle this

thank you

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You know you’re never going to get anywhere with them. Arguing with them is like trying to argue with Ard.


That’s nice. At least I keep getting notifications that posts that were flagged are modified 20+ hours after they were made and hidden.

Good to see the conversation also made zero progress, nothing but the same thing on repeat. I suppose it’s time to give them what they want.

They get to post anonymously and we get to enjoy a nicer, more polite environment. Let’s just hope this thread contains them.

Edit: And for anyone who doesn’t know how to block the Hidden Profile folks:


Wise words my friend, thank you for posting. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You have been given multiple cons including evidence, personal stories and articles written by the government but you seem to forget that those exist.

Just google “anonymous posting” or “cons of anonymous posting” and you’ll find a whole list of cons.

Ah, but you won’t do that because it doesn’t fit your argument. Right, my bad.


Some ppl use this “security” maliciously
 To the point where I am suspicious of the true reason anyone would want this.


You people keep claiming those for anonymous posting are polite and kind while those asking for btags are rude and toxic.

Yet, the OP of this thread said telling you to game end is an opinion and YOU are the rude one for blocking them.

Multiple people who are for anonymous posting have called people liars, stalkers, harassers and even lied about being threatened in game.

I wonder which side is the real rude one, hm? :thinking: It’s really hard to figure out


Considering what you have said to people in the past, you are no angel either.


I think I found a clip of OP:

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I said that 9 hours ago.

You must be bored.

I finally beat Plunderstorm!


Anonymity never leads to a better experience
 case in point
 the internet.


i just googled pros of anonymous posting, hmmm, alot of pros why we need this.

Also, anonymous posting in game forums where you need monthly sub is different.

Con: Anonymity makes us meaner
Study after study ( demonstrates that being able to say what we think without fear of repercussion brings out the worst in us. With the advent of anonymous online commenting came trolling, cyber-bullying, and general unpleasantness. There’s even a scientific term for it: “the online disinhibition effect.” ( And anonymity can have far worse effects than just discouraging thoughtful and polite discourse: it has led to murders and game ends, as in the sad case of Alexis Pilkington, the 17-year-old girl who game ended after being harassed online by anonymous people.


Where? Please share them.