New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

but not everyone feels that way and i think it is a good idea to take everyone’s feelings and thoughts into account when making decisions such as this.

Feelings like using the forums to hide self on alts to pretend to be someone else, Doobly or Khrog or Bala or whoever you really are?

I tend to try and stay within the boundaries to my own responsibilities when I post on the forums, and try and be as respectful as I can. But people such as yourself, willing to use every possibility to bypass ignores, troll the forums, sockpuppet…

Yeah, enough is enough! Time for whatever number alt of yours to go onto the ignore too.


Just be like HK-47. Everyone (except 1 specific person) is either Meatbag or Organic Meatbag.

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Making the same crappy ‘arguments’ under yet another alt isn’t impressing anyone. You’re only proving how much we need account-wide ignore.

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Wait… who is who? I’m so confused now.

If you haven’t already, go play thorough Knights of the Old Republic.

Now I’m really confused.

HK is a very memorable character from that game.

Oh got ya.

The game is also just fantastic in it’s own right, and well worth it.


idk if the forums really need that, though.

I oppose battle tags I dont care what anyone says. there im out. dont respond to me as im not replying back. if battletags implemented i quit forums forever.


As long as someone can post on more than one character, yes, we do


personally i just don’t mind pressing the ignore button for each person. i think it’s fine.

this is exactly how i feel about World of Warcraft and the World of Warcraft Forums, both of them are just completely fantastic.

You think it’s okay to waste time doing that process 60 times per account you don’t want to interact with?

Okay, you do you


i think its not really a big deal to be honest.

You don’t get to decide that for others.


ugh, I hate it when people start acting like they have a say for others.


personally, i can’t see any downside to having anonymous posting on the wow forums…

it has all the benefits with no cons.

it seems like a perfect system to me.

thanks for the reply, i’m glad i could explain how great anonymous posting is.

OP, you have my vote for anonymous posting. glad to see you suggest it :slight_smile:

yes i agree.