New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

There are some crazies on the forums, they just don’t tend to take it to the game since most of them know it’ll potentially mean a report.

I did have a person who I was having a disagreement with in the forums make a character attempting to imitate my forum character name on my server asking people in my guild to invite them, and then when I logged in started sending me rage whispers and a Discord link to “talk with them”. Was weird.

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Why did i read that in a drani’s voice?


if blizzard is reading this thread, i just want to make my voice heard and state definitively that i believe that anonymous forum posting is definitely the way to go for the wow forums.

anonymous forum posting would be fantastic and i would be very happy to see it.

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I must automatically like and agree with anyone who posts a gif of Hawkeye

Don’t bother with the fox . All they ever do is talkin circles defending his fellow Toxic Avengers

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Oh frack! Your story actually made me giggle out loud. I didn’t think that anything in this thread could do that.

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We must be in some sort of ignore eclipse or ignore retrograde because I am at 7 for today


We are. Retrograde + eclipse in Aries. So this is a period where people need to be more careful about the things they say cause Aries is usually about impulsive action and confrontational energy. Which can be good, but when you add in retrograde season it’s going to be an issue if you can’t communicate effectively.

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I’m reading the back and forth between Lai and Bula as a chain of overly cheery, but passive aggressive emails (and I am enjoying it :smiley: )

“Per my last email,”

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Hehe… ok that’s pretty funny I like that.

I will circle back to this thread soon

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Imagine Anonymous posters complaining about being misgendered. What happens if you have no idea who it is? There is no way to not misgender an Anonymous poster so if someone gets offended by called “he” then they’d be shocked that most default to male pronouns when dealing with strangers on the internet.


there would also be no way of knowing which anonymous poster is being referred to, other than by direct “reply”

now, whether that’s a bad thing, is definitely debatable.

And sometimes the direct reply doesn’t show fully either.


i don’t see an issue with that, it seems perfectly fine to me.

My biggest gripe is how they’ve gone accusing people of defending such behaviour when said people haven’t even engaged with the said behaviour. All I told them is that it isn’t the end of the world being called Dude, since there is actually a lot of different meanings to the word, though each meaning depends on where abouts in the world we all live.

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Only thing I could think of is pronouns under the name


or like…
“Xe/Xem/Xyr” (for some of the Neopronouns as an example)

Although I suppose anyone could I guess stick anything in the pronoun box instead of pronouns… I know people with discord do that ><


i believe that anonymous forum posting could help to alleviate these issues.

How does anonymous posting solve this issue? If I’ve done something that upset the community, I want people to see that, so I can work on with people to solving the issues that upset them so things doesn’t happen again.


"Wah, why MvP’s don’t want to put up with me being a terrible person and supporting OP justifying ending themselves as a different opinion and blame the victim? :cry: "

Ya know, if i were an MvP, the first order of business to get forum emotes the same in WoW.

Pre Shadowlands even. So i can /slap you lol.

Only true MvP’s can slap. And i don’t mean a light slap, i mean proper one.

And also help a brother out find an XEdit for Starfield. Shoutout to BlueSpaceCow for helping. :grin: