New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Preach it sister!

Hey, you’re the one making the claims, you could explain it how on something, and not even get actioned for it. Always a moving the goalpost for you Ard, because you know that what you have said is not facts, and can not be verified as facts.


I have already explained it before.

You’re just writing my words for me at this point, which is understandable as you still hold me accountable for the closure of your previous thread.

That’s not how it works … That’s not how any of this works.

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I am asking you to write your own words.


Again, this discussion has moved beyond my scope of comfort.

You haven’t explained one thing at all. All you have done is made anything up, and not explained one single word on the stuff you have made up.

Oh yes, because we all know you didn’t want to shut down a thread. Who can ever forget.

Oh, the fact that you can’t even take into the account of you’ve trolling threads to get them closed without admitting your own actions. No, my mistake is viewing you while I have you on ignore to reply to you. Your problem is you don’t want to hold yourself responsible with your own behaviour.


Just watching the back and forth.



At the time there was multiple topics up.

Which is why that post is still there.

Holding me wholly responsible for the closure of that thread is a grievous misallocation of blame.

Dang it all Sendryn! Coming in here with your facts, mucking up the hysteria with your factual facty facts!

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Want me to quote more post where you want to get threads shut down, even when there wasn’t another thread? Or are you going to admit you just troll the threads in attempt to get them all shut down?

Wouldn’t that be a call out?

I am well aware you are not comfortable expanding on your own statements.


See, you can’t even admit you troll to get the threads shut down. Instead, always just “moving the goalpost”

You seriously need to start taking responsibility for your own behaviour.


:joy: We live in a world where everything is crazy so if I say Pluto is a planet, then it’s a planet.

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I’m not taking responsibility for something you’re convinced went only one way.

But people that are wanting to take responsibility for their own behavior…want btags.


Pluto is a planet! I don’t care what those “scientists” say. I was born there, I know for a FACT it is a planet. Humans are just jealous of its glory and can’t handle the truth.

“But I don’t know how to do that.”

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That’s not popcorn, Fuzz. Can… can we eat that?