New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

No, no.

They just take a dig at how I speak to other posters differently.

They just can’t conceive of me being reasonable.

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I just have a hard time with such statements from one who purposely posts things that are highly theoretical and contestable. All the time. :man_shrugging:t2:

testing has begun

vanilla or chocolate?

:upside_down_face: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :innocent:

An MVP (or any green text person) isn’t a “person in authority”. They are a person with knowledge. Green text doesn’t mean they have to suffer fools.


You went from saying that not tolerating everybody was “dangerous thinking” to “depends” within a few posts.

Oho. Vanilla.

Though white chocolate and peppermint has always been a weakness of mine.

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Well we haven’t really established what we’re talking about as intolerable.

Vanilla…mint chocolate chip…and strawberry cheesecake…those are the only ice creams I need to be happy


Yes, me too. Anoynymous psoting would be great forum function for safety.

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peppermint being a weakness seems like pretty sophisticated taste; that’s cool. here I am enjoying peanut butter, straight-no-chaser as my midnight treats :neutral_face:

pandora’s box…

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But we have agreed that some things should not be tolerated. Which is a pretty big difference from it being “dangerous thinking”.

And if it’s just players ignoring each other over what they don’t tolerate, then it’s not the end of the world the way you think it is.

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You enjoy talking to yourself don’t you.

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what do you mean by saying this? Please explain? thank you.

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Well we won’t really know until the day ever comes if Blizzard should act.

Though I will apologize earlier for that comment as taking it bold faced can be a confronting topic.

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You tell that to Blizzard.

With the sole exception of the Licensors’ Games, Blizzard is the owner or licensee of all right, title, and interest in and to the Platform, including the Games that are produced and developed by Blizzard (“Blizzard Games”), Custom Games derived from a Blizzard Game, Accounts, and all of the features and components thereof. The Platform may contain materials licensed by third-parties to Blizzard, and these third-parties may enforce their ownership rights against you in the event that you violate this Agreement. The following components of the Platform (which do not include content or components of the Licensors’ Games), are owned or licensed by Blizzard:

  1. All virtual content appearing within the Platform, including the Blizzard Games, such as:
  2. Visual Components: Locations, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, and audio-visual effects;
  3. Narrations: Themes, concepts, stories, and storylines;
  4. Characters: The names, likenesses, inventories, and catch phrases of Game characters;
  5. Items: Virtual goods, such as digital cards, currency, potions, weapons, armor, wearable items, skins, sprays, pets, mounts, etc.;
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I think they just decided to let everything burn. Easier that way.

yes i believe an explanation would be worth while to hear, i agree.

Then maybe don’t say it?

If you are changing alts to get around peoples ignores of you IT.IS.ABUSE!


Not by much now…Oct 2003 for 4chan…Nov 2004 for WoW…wouldn’t call a year a long time now…that is just a drop in the bucket.