New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

yeah i agree with that, definitely.

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should all opinions be tolerated?

Tolerating the intolerant leads to those who are intolerant taking over.


Depends on what’s being said.

Yea makes sense for an MVP would want to help people not have to deal with trolls

Plus what authority do they have?

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So you do agree that some people shouldn’t be tolerated.

Pretty close to what he said in the LGBQT thread. That didn’t work out to well…

Depends what’s being said.

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To avoid stepping into Godwin’s Law territory…

Say there is a person making very heinous comments towards a community, should they be tolerated? No. Is wanting to put that person on a mute setting where it only affects yourself so you would not be exposed to their comments that you deem offensive by definition being intolerant of their opinion? Yes, but what someone deems unacceptable varies which is the ignore feature is not a ban feature.


Creates different issues.

Plus what Storm is leaving out from his hints is what I said was from memory a neutral statement that was misconstrued for the worst.

I mean, I am not taking any prior incidents into consideration but you appear to have been misconstruing arguments in this thread.

Considering your incapable of telling the difference between the rights of individuals to curate the things they see and what moderators are for, welcome to the ignore.


I will continue to contest that despite even having the power to block what an individual sees will do little to improve the overall quality of the forum.

The thing is, in game doesn’t even have account wide ignore either. It only ignores for your specific character, and it only works for those on your own server or connected servers. Blizzard simply needs to fix the issues that would require an account-wide ignore.


That’s one of the funniest things you’ve ever posted here

this is a very good conversation we are having so far, i am glad to see it.

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It’s great how many people came together to realize that an account-wide ignore is the way for the future.


Yes, yes you dislike me.

I know.

Not in the least, actually.

The hypocrisy is almost breathtaking is all.

Not everyone is as rude as Btag or account wide supporters.

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i like the juxtaposition of your guild names. Ambition and Just Freakin Started.

the duality of man.

do I come off as rude? not my intent