New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

I mean if it was as bad as you say it is then the topic wouldn’t still be up. Shrug.

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I mean, I wouldn’t call it ‘freaking out.’ I approached the topic originally at a neutral stance.

Then any attempt at discussion on why the suggestion is worthy of any consideration whatsoever was ignored or disregarded and the only discussion was the mountain of evidence against it with any rebuttal being the equivalent of plugging one’s ears and screaming ‘Nuh uh.’

The OP managed to thoroughly convince me that their stance is the wrong one to take, because if someone cannot be polite when their fake face is on the wall, why would they be polite when they were hidden?


Ah, so you’re saying if I was telling the truth, the thread would be nuked. Yet it’s still up so I must be lying despite the evidence still existing in the thread.


I mean thats moderations job right, not ours?

Too many posters want to take accountability of others into their own hands.

Yeah, I’d love to have that power…

But, it’s not gonna happen. So your argument is rancid garbage

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Also, if you see my original posts in the thread (Lost count, somewhere in the 500-700 post range) I was actually saying that I am not saying to delete the thread. As stated, someone being wrong is not grounds to delete a thread.

So, quite the opposite. A thread existing or being 404’ed is for Moderation to decide and never once did I suggest the thread be taken down, given that it is a monument against the argument the OP was trying to push.

If someone is saying that telling someone to off themselves is just an opinion, they deserve to be held accountable. Period.

Whether it breaks the rules or not, that’s messed up. And if they’re willing to say something like that despite “fearing for their safety”, what will they say being completely anonymous?

It’s not about taking accountability into our own hands, it’s about people being held accountable for their actions and their words. The mods can’t read every post, especially with one that has 2k posts +.

They are understaffed and have real lives that take up their time. People slip through the cracks and get away with stuff like this.

If you can’t handle being held accountable for your own actions, you don’t need to be online.


Yeah I think giving us the power to hold others “accountable” is a recipe for disaster as the context for what counts as accountability can be twisted to less than fair judgements or assessments.

Oh, He’s gotten in trouble for saying some nasty things in the LGBQT thread, he’s not a nice person. He’s earned his reputation.

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Nobody is asking for that power. Having btags shown doesn’t give us that power. All it does is stop people from alt hopping and pretending to be 30 different people.

It’s really that simple.

Not surprised.

How to form an entire argument based upon not understanding the subject, also known as Politics 101.

Literally no one is asking to usurp moderation.

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Way to slide right on past the point being made.

Being able to more comprehensively mute people is not “taking accountability into their own hands” no matter how much of a victim complex you may have.


The fact that a green MVP wants to put people on forever ignore, I find disturbing.

In the modern world, people in authority should be encouraging tolerance, inclusiveness, acceptance of differences.


…and how is this not a call out?

really questionable how those people even still are “mvp” while doing such actions.


Knowing your history, it would be a wise decision.


is it wrong to ignore someone whom the “royal you” finds hurtful or, possibly, harassing? Perhaps having an MVP encourage individuals to use the existing features of a forum is beneficial. I don’t see the MVP discouraging conversation or discourse, but maybe I am missing something.

I do agree, in general more folks should be tolerant of others. Though, not to be contrarian, some opinions or differences should not be tolerated. (thinking the violent kind and or hateful-to-a-certain-group kind of opinions).


Some people refuse to tolerate others, and they should not be tolerated in kind.


The fact that you think someone shouldn’t be allowed to ignore someone just because they are an MVP is disturbing.

She’s a human being with feelings just like the rest of us and she has no obligation to not ignore people who annoy or upset her. She doesn’t work for Blizzard and owes you nothing.


Now that is some dangerous thinking.

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