New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Sorry but only Blizzard knows how the gears turn behind this forum, not any invested poster here.

ā€¦so weā€™re ignoring my point?

Ok then.

That I wholeheartedly agree with

not ignoring, no, but pointing out we can use the WoW classic forums for comparison on younger age, right?

you claim we canā€™t compare wow forums because of age difference to D3, so I offered up comparing WoW classic forums

Iā€™m offering up equally anecdotal references

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Sound highly theoretical and contestable to me is all.

There hasnā€™t been a debate this long since Blizzasrd tried to introduce real names to the forumsā€¦Lord that was a fun time here and then ā€¦

You knowwwwwwwā€¦ that could be a foretelling of the future that they will more than likely start including btags retail. That would be a great idea honestly.

Blizzard we need btags in game too.

Btags and account wide ignores as a solution is a tired and old proposition.

It was time we say something new, risky. Dynamic.

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It would if they reverted the specific changes they had made for the wow forums to the standard Discourse forum progam all of their other forums use that use battle tags

thatā€™s fair, but Iā€™m simply following your lead. You make statements that have no agreed-upon definition with which we could discuss. some vague notion of the age of a forum determines the likelihood that said forum will devolve into some also undefined concept of chaos and balkanize between further undefined groups.

itā€™s vaguely defined metrics all the way down


yeah letā€™s reinvent the wheel and make it a square

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Itā€™s not new or dynamic though. 4chan existed longer than this game did.

Insert Christian Bale in clear rubber suit dancing here


I mean how much time has to pass to determine that the proposition of Btags or account wide ignores has failed?

18 months seems to be past the point of optimism.

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ā€œLetā€™s see Paul Allenā€™s BTagā€

for what itā€™s worth, I sincerely wouldnā€™t want you or anyone else to feel like theyā€™re losing agency or being frustrated by changes. And while I donā€™t think (for me) Btag adoption via the forum would result in this, I also donā€™t mind the current setup, and I donā€™t want to come off as contrarian.

Life is too short to me for that noise.

He is game master. so it is truth.

Checks clock

People ask for things over long periods of time without receiving what they asked for. Players were asking for tails on Worgen for years.

If it takes 18 months of not getting something implemented to discredit a suggestion, this thread discredited anonymous posting in a week.

You should probably tell OP that because she seems convinced that anonymous posting is coming to the forums despite not working for Blizzard.


All I see is a suggestion thatā€™s mostly making pro-supporters for Btags and account wide ignores freak out.

Oh so Iā€™m guessing you missed the point where the OP said telling someone to off themselves is just an opinion and youā€™re rude for blocking them because of it?

Because that happened. Among many other things that the OP has claimed. Like how all supporters of btags are stalkers and harassers.

Plus calling everyone who doesnā€™t agree a liar without providing any evidence of her own to support her argument.

But all you see are suggestions and pro-supporters, right?