New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

I’m going to keep flagging your posts for trolling until I reach my limit. It’s a violation of the CoC for you to continue to troll so I’m doing my part to insure the safety of these forums.

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i dont want to go visit your twitter page and give you more monetary gain, though.

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There are reasons where the original topic of a thread is fine, but the thread still gets locked/deleted, as Vrak told you a few years ago.

False flagging is also part of CoC violation. So be aware.


Yes, but blizzard has a different definition of what qualifies as “false flagging” than you do, and blizzard’s is the only one that matters in this context.


Since people were asking about it earlier, here’s a relevant post from Vrakthis:

Okay, I might be wrong on this, but wouldn’t this effect one more than being a forum user? This is not my main. I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve written, but can someone find me anyway or would a Btag make it easier for someone to harass me if they so chose?

Which makes me think this:

This is quite literally the worst suggestion ever made for these forums.


It’s comical that people don’t seem to realize that just because you change characters, doesn’t mean you can’t be easily recognized. Doobly is so obvious it’s facepalm worthy.


Tough Pineapples bro. Get looking if you really think that, it’s not gonna kill ya. :roll_eyes:

yes if your btag was under your character name now, they would be able to identify all your alts that you ever posted on and read every post

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It’s not false flagging. I believe you are a troll. Your repeated responses fit the criteria for trolling. I’m doing my part as a community member in reporting you. Blizzard can decide if the reports have merit.


so literally no mention about "implementing btags as btaggers claims?

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He literally says that they are “looking into updates that should prevent alt abuse”


thank you for sharing. I disagree and many others.

Oh no, Anyways.

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Can we get account wide ignore?


can you please explain this?

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I’m here battery died.

I got most of the mowing done.


I miss cogshanks.

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