New faction elves vs savages?

Should we elves drop all of the charity we give everyone else by fighting their wars in return for nothing and form our own elven only faction?


I support that, out of my Horde filthy Elves.


So basically us good looking toons verses the uglies.

I’m down with that, gotta be demoralizing getting your buttocks whooped by someone looking completely fabulous.


Yess once we figure out the cure for the elfin curse, you’ll all be concentrated in one capital city!


i wrote a thread on this awhile ago. not because horde are savages though. here it is

Do YOU want to live with Tyrande?

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yes. and lor’themar. and thalyrssa. and veressa. and alleria.
i mean the sheer amount of awesome in one place. make a
smaller version of suramar, our capital city, divided into elf districts with our standards, complete with swan boats we can use to visit each other


How much are race changes again?

suramar is wasted. :sunglasses:


Most elves are savages. Aside from highborne…

Have you seen original nelf artwork? And just look at me! Not very elfy…

Just because us dwarves are loud, hairy, drunks doesn’t make us savages. We have feelings to, you know! :cry: I hold the door for people! I use utensils when I sit at a table and place a napkin on my lap! :sob:


Being loud, hairy and drunk doesn’t make you savage, just being a dwarf.

No factions!

New Elf Race: Elf Elves

They’re like blood elves, but they’re fractals so their body parts are made of tinier elves, who are also made up of tinier elves, so on and so forth


/says something unintelligible
/looks back before stalking off
May Nair “accidentally” end up in the bottle of your hair care products!


Oh man. That hurts on the real life.

Sure there is a lovely tree you could use…o wait…

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Truthfully, I’d wish that on NO ONE.

I swear that stuff is a chemical burn in a jar.

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All the elves in 1 faction basically disagrees with every aspect of the Lore.

Is veressa really awesome when her only purpose is to be a trophy wife for an Alliance writer self insert?

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