New faction elves vs savages?

What, for to keep me away from Silvermoon? I will stick to the Alliance, hopefully you will also see that the Alliance is good for our people.

Soā€¦ Vanilla WoW.

It really looks like thatā€™s what all three Windrunner sisters areā€¦ which is gross.

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Does this mean Iā€™m a Megazord?

The Bulmas of WoW.

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Elves are just a faction of Amani trolls that splintered off and discovered the well of eternity, so I guess the Darkspears and Zandalari are coming to the Elven empire too.

I thought the NEs were mutated Dark Trolls, not Forest Trolls.

No thanks, I like Orcs and Trolls. Yā€™all go if ya want, but Iā€™m stayinā€™.

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We could even add High Elves to the list.

  • High Elves.
  • Blood Elves.
  • Night Elves.
  • Void Elves.
  • Nightborne Elves.

Throw in like two Allied Races that are Elves and youā€™d basically be a complete faction. (9 races per faction, 2 of which are elves per side, leaves 7 per faction, with 5 including High Elves on the Elf faction, youā€™d just need two allied races)


I do not condone making an Elf only faction. I am amused that the numbers would probably work race wise, though the actual player percentage would likely tank the prior two factions such that only Elves were left.

i mean iā€™m pretty sure elves make up a good portion of the playerbase


so 37% of characters at 120 would be in this new faction.

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Yeah sure. Let me point Sylvanas in your general direction.

ahhā€¦ good to be a humanā€¦
/munches on chili fries :hot_pepper::fries:

Thatā€™s sounds like some white supremacist but elf version stuff.

very interesting perspective, but completely wrong, Iā€™m afraid

We all know in the end we Blood Elves have to carry this elf only faction like we are doing with the Horde right now.

Every single race constantly hates on me and calls me a filthy elf, Horde and Alliance both. Dwarves, gnomes, humans, fat humans, orcs, undead, goblins, and trolls. They all hate us.

I donā€™t know, a lot of them are blue and purple.

Well OP depending on how you look at it, this is kind of just demon hunters.

Haha true, but not so much the skin color, moreso the rhetoric.

Thatā€™s definitely become a big part of why I oppose certain thingsā€¦