New Epic BGs?

but they currently dont n in the past they have said why


they also said they couldn’t and wouldn’t do anything about syncing so :person_shrugging:

wrong lol they said to not do it.

you gotta link to that original blue post?

Of course, I’m ignoring you. You were making up your own argument with your own rules. You’re pulling stuff out of thin air and saying enough times that you think it’s true.

Did they make restrictions to only allow five people to queue at one time yes. Have they come out and said there’s any punishment for multiple parties queuing at one time? No.

It is not an exploit, but it is something that blizzard has chosen to ignore. The macro kick that was just discovered is an exploit. What you are complaining about is social interaction in a MMO.

If EBGs were rated with titles and rewards attached to a rating gain and only restricted to 5 man groups then you will have an argument.


link plz

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na it’s somewhere though lol

nah, but go back and look what they said when they broke Oqueue

lol delusional bud get help

i can assure you it is nowhere to be found, the original forum was deleted by blizzard.

no u link ur source

also tell me wut happens when u form a raid and try to join an random EBG

so you admit they did so not to do it? odd…

You are increasing your volume instead of reinforcing your stance. Name-calling is not the way to get your point across.

says the guy that hasn’t provided anything to back up his argument lol

nor have I called you any names lol

I don’t have an argument. I told him I don’t have a dog in the hunt. I’m just saying you don’t know what you’re talking about like using the word exploit.

Hard Truth. It’s not an exploit until blizzard comes out and says it’s an exploit. I don’t care how much Wikipedia you read.

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So delusional is a compliment and not derogatory?

Then why are you even here? Hard truth, it is an exploit by definition lol

no i think they deleted the old forums because they wanted to delete all the old blue posts that were tying them down, players treat blue text like it might as well be sacred text handed down from God, and blizz is never allowed to backtrack on it. deleting all of it lets them start over fresh.

maybe go pick up a dictionary lol