New Epic BGs?

I didnt get to see any of Blizz con stuff cause of real life stuff , some one said they are making a new 10 man BG is there any mention of new epic 40 person BGS ??


no no mention of 40 man yet nd i say yet bcuz ion said there will be more so who knows i really hope so .


I’m hopeful as well, the way he covered the topic of battlegrounds definitely made it seem like they have another map up their sleeve

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No point if it’s going to be overrun by exploit groups lol


Why? It’d just be ruined by communities like all the others.


and ?


liek if you both r so miserable go play a diff game then


what makes you so special? Why don’t you go play a game meant for the stuff you want instead of exploiting in wow? Some of us want to play the game fair and how it’s meant to be played lol


i solo q or duo q so idk what you are on about

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Doubt it.
With blitz being a thing, I’m pretty sure most of their pvp development resources will be going into things that directly benefit that game mode.
I’d love to get excited over more epic BGs, but it’s been pretty miserable queueing into them for the past season with the state of epic BG communities. It’s gone from a mild inconvenience that I didn’t really have an issue with to just feeling pointless to queue into solo / duo.

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At this point, I think we’d be happy enough if Blizzard threw us a bone of a flat plane with 2 graveyards.

I like the idea of a Fortnight style game, where the map boundary keeps getting smaller. Start out the game being more objective based, then slowly make the game end in a team fight.

It might be a solution to the problem of players AFKing in the first 2 minutes of a game where the first teamfight decides the likelihood of a win/loss.


You don’t even play epic BGs. Or if you do, rarely, you don’t know how to play them. So why do you care? You have EVERY other PvP game mode to play.

Oh, I see.

why do you defend sync queue exploit groups then?

no… no battle royal bull

You just never answer the question. You get every single other PvP game mode. Epic BGs are a completely different one, which some of us enjoy most despite the poor overall game design.

It’s not too late to try to fix them.

I dont ? you must be new here

they should just make a murder mysteries playlist/ map thing tbh

this is defending them lol

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There is only one good epic bg and thats AV the others are hot garbage. Anyone who disagrees is just wrong so dont bother.

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