New Epic BGs?

In video games, an exploit is **the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it


Site your source.

lol Wikipedia

and all other searchable resources lol

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Logic really is just lost on you isn’t it lol


problem is people are too quick to call anything they were unprepared for as an exploit or cheating. you know how to sync, you can teach it to anyone in a few minutes. the reason you don’t want to sync is that you would then have to admit that the reason you lost was you and not those premades. if you can pretend that premades are an exploit, then you can justify losing, to give in and sync yourself would mean to accept that you aren’t a pvp god and lost because the other side played better.

Intentionally circumventing matchmaking limitations isn’t really a grey area, just one that they don’t punish for.

Which is a bit of a shame because little of value would be lost if they did.


So, I should be punished for wanting to play solo? why should I have to join these “friend groups” in order to enjoy a game mode made for people like me? there is reason the group size is set to 5-man. Why should I have to do what you want in order to enjoy a game? Why is it all about you?


nobody is circumventing anything, like i said, calling things an exploit because you lost is just sour grapes.

How many players are permitted to queue (as a group) for an epic battleground?

I think we’re misunderstanding aesop here.

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It’s very evident logic is completely lost on you.

Anyways, I’m glad they’re choosing to focus on 10 man content instead of wasting resources.

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5, but there is no rule on how many groups can queue for an epic battleground.

certainly are now, im not getting your reference here

Thanks for clarifying, as if there’s any ambiguity. Shame about the randoms whose games are ruined because they found themselves in a 14v40 because a community of sun tzu wannabes didn’t all get the pop.


if everyone in my community just randomly solo queued, about the same amount would get into the next epic that pops compared to if we sync’d. this has to do with how the queue system fills and starts games, not anything to do with the players. so then what is the harm with syncing? we get the same amount of players into the same games, but people get to play with their friends instead of being randomly shuffled.

blizz could fix that overnight if they allowed full raid queueing and you know it.

Stop pretending this is a friend thing…

So they should change the system they have in place to fit what you want? Premade should face other premades but if it was that way you wouldn’t play, we all know that lol

or if they enforced the raid block they already have in place or enabled xfaction q or set a max on premade groups per ebg

or you could fix by stop exploiting and go do RBGs like an organized raid shuld

but u will find w/e excuz to justify giving urself advantag n ruining the game for uthers cuz u have to protec ur precious w/l