New Epic BGs?

that isnt defending them at all .

Battleground Battlegrounds! Last man standing Free-for-all.

Guardian druid always winning this or what?

u trio queue with a lizard and a mage main turned warlock main

and you q with 39 other ppl :stuck_out_tongue:

i have too many fans what can i do

39 is kind of hm low tho

if i could get all of them into 1 bg it just wouldnt be fair for the horde

hm this is true :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:

AV is the only epic battleground that isn’t lost after the first 5 minutes.

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Actually it’s Ashran, but Alterac Valley comes in second.

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Ashran does not have a lot of counterplay options if you face a team which is stronger in a direct teamfight. AV is the best, to state otherwise is trolling or lack of skill/knowledge.


Hey, glad to see you finally moved away from 40% vers into a stat that’s good for output.

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/sigh, different stat requirments for different builds

No doubt.

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none of them are lost after the first battle, but most people are lazy and would rather take an easy L and hope the system grants them a win in the next game than actually push back and turn the game around. IMO the main issue is the idea most players have that the game is a slot machine and everytime you hit the queue button its like pulling the lever, and if you keep hitting it, you will eventually be given a winning game. this is why people hate premades, they can engineer wins and prove that it isn’t a slot machine, which also means all those Ls were in fact the player’s fault, and players don’t want to hear that.

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I don’t have a dog in the hunt but every time you say this word, it just screams that you have no clue what in the hell you are talking about. Find a different adjective to defend your stance.


No because that’s exactly what they are doing lol

You can call the sun green until you lose your voice, it doesn’t mean that the sun is green. The sun remains the same but now you don’t have a voice.


it’s very obvi you are the one that does not know what exploit means lol

Explain to me what the actual exploit is.