New dungeon finder button is awful

Here’s another example that I find obnoxious.

I still can’t hide or resize talking heads (new UI broke other add ons that could do that for me), so now I’m stuck looking at them whenever I fly past a world quest, enter mechagon, etc.

I think the UI isn’t amazing, but it’s definitely better than what we had. And there ARE addons that help with the UI being trash in general, and I highly suggest people to spend an hour or so customizing a UI that would fit you better, instead of complaining about the blizzard ui. This is just my opinion, obviously you can’t change things like the eye glowing, or obvious bugs but it’s not worth calling the whole thing trash if it’s objectively better for new players to be able to customize the majority of the ui. Bugs suck, we all agree.

I wouldn’t call this ui trash by any stretch of the word, and blizzard can finally add onto this ui unlike the old one. But it doesn’t change the fact that complaining about such minor things will happen, I guess.

This is pretty much the gist of this thread. There are wildly broken and questionable features about the UI, and some people will still try to argue in favor of it. It’s dumb.

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I don’t like the glow either. The only time it needs to move is when I get into a group :rofl:

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I’ve spent days customizing my UI. Where did you get the idea that I don’t customize my UI? This thread was about features like the dungeon finder eye that cant be changed with addons. Stop trying to use your opinion to suggest that others havent taken the time to try to find solutions. Calm your ego.


Yeah I’m sorry you couldn’t find a solution to your eye glowing. I wonder why you couldn’t find a solution to that.

No need to apologize on my behalf. But thank you!

Gonna be honest this annoyed me too, it’s almost certainly a bug.

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All things aside, i think everything should fully be customizable. but at least blizzard can add on to this ui, and i think criticism is fully fair.

Hopefully bugs get ironed out, and things are fully customizable. But like I said at least addons can help with 99.99999% of the issues, and if your UI is trash it’s probably your fault, unluckily.

We agree. I’m glad.

I don’t want to make up numbers here, but for some reason I doubt that.

Garbage? Literally garbage? Talking like a middle schooler isn’t helping anybody. It is obviously an improvement over the old one.

As opposed to the old one??

As opposed to the old one??

No. Being a luddite, however, is a defeatist attitude towards life.

If you want to use addons to do it the way you think is right, go right ahead like you did before. Let’s not pretend that this isn’t a vast improvement over the old stock UI. Just because the new one doesn’t cover all the bases your addons did previously does not make it “garbage”.

I mean if you’re having issues with party frame scaling then you’re not using anything to aid with that, so that’s on you bro. Hope you can put some time into it and find some addons that help you!

I already have addons for that. The best ones currently (elvui, zperl was broken). I already put my time in, i’ve been playing for years so my UI is pretty high up there in terms of quality. The bugs annoy me. I’m glad you understand.

The new UI broke many addons that were able to scale things in a way far superior to the current UI. That’s the point you’re missing.

Not literal waste, but I had assumed you were intelligent enough to understand my comparison. You even linked a video to highlight your own comparison for your own stance. We both used creative ways to highlight our own arguments. Ahhh, irony at it’s finest.

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I’m just happy blizzard has a platform to build off of, and new players don’t have to look at some eye sore ui.

I am not usually happy with subpar and poorly executed things. It’s cool you are.

The new UI (certain features) is an eye sore in my opinion.

I hope you don’t like go straight to insults for the majority of your arguments when I haven’t done that a single time. I hope that you have a great day, and I hope that you can figure out how to make your ui a lot better!

bartender + elvui are the best options though :slight_smile:

They do

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No offense, but my UI is probably far better in terms of quality than yours is. Don’t really care though.

Pretty much. Elvui needs work though, both do actually.

I don’t care who ui’s is better. Mine works for everything I need, this isn’t my post. You shouldn’t insult people though, you ignored that.

ElvUI does have the benefit of modularity, it’s damn near endlessly customizable.