New dungeon finder button is awful

I said it should be fixed earlier. But it was the same before. But you wouldn’t even know that, and are just using baseless arguments

Your argument was that glitches are fine because you “figured out a way” to bypass them. Anybody with half a brain knows that you can use the spell from the spellbook. Congratulations though!

The main point is that the UI is badly done and unfinished, and for some reason this seemed to hurt your feelings. I’m sorry. I have no idea what you’re even arguing about then. It’s pointless.

No, I just find fixes for things (finding a ui addon) to fix things instead of complaining. My argument was never that they’re “ok” it’s that it takes 2 seconds to find a quick fix for it because I actually play the game and would rather not be miserable with some ui when you can fully customize it. Which is what my 1st comment was about here.

Ah, so that’s your point then. Some people care about things that are broken, and some don’t. Okay.

Move along now.

Please stop putting words in my mouth.

I’ll say it simply for you, so you can find a way to put words into my mouth.

The ui sucks, you say it sucks, so change it with 3 clicks instead of complaining about it.

The bugs should be fixed, for the 10th time in this thread, they should be fixed, they should be fixed, but there are ways to ya know… NOT use the ui.

The portals argument actually left me speechless over here because as someone who mains those classes this isn’t something I ever think about, and I use my portals and believe it or not my pets pretty often LOL

I apologize for your confusion. This isn’t just about the portals, which I assume you mean by “3 clicks”. This thread was about another badly implemented feature, which was the dungeon finder button. There’s alot of things wrong with the new UI, and my argument was that it was unfinished. I think you got confused along the way. It’s fine.

There are alot of things that can’t be fixed with 3 clicks, which is what this thread was about. Hope this resonates.

No, you can download bartender with 3 clicks and it’s perfectly fine. You can customize everything, but if you want to put ur fingers in ur ears and go “nanananananananananananananaaanananananan” that’s on you.

Bartender doesn’t fix what I posted about, which is the glowing effect that makes it seem like people are qued.

So my theory was correct, you are dumb.

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If you think the eye glowing is why the ui is bad, and you’re using an argument about portals / pets drop down bar to not work, you can see why im confused about this thread. I’m stupid though according to you.

That’s on you bro. I actually put effort into not making my ui trash, maybe you should too.

Read what I posted earlier. I also think the Ui is bad because it severely lacks customizable features. I have plenty of addons, and there are still things that cannot be changed because of the new UI.

My Ui is pretty nice too. Not sure what you’re talking about. But yeah, you were very confused. Try to read things thoroughly next time, it takes effort but it is very much worth it.

Like what besides the eye? what else can’t you customize with addons, because i’ll tell you i can customize every single little thing in my ui.

Did you seriously just forget what we were talking about 5 minutes ago?

Okay, dropping this right now. You clearly aren’t in a good frame of mind.

That’s the majority of the problem. This is the live game. Not the beta, not the PTR, this is the product sold to the customer.

You don’t sell a blender and say “sorry there’s no blade, it will be there in a bit”, or a car and say “were still designing the brakes” People paid their money for a finished product. And a lot of this could be anger directed at this practice which has unfortunately evolved to become endemic in the industry.

Just because, “Ship it, fix it later” is possible, it doesn’t mean it’s right.

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Please don’t bring it back to the pet drop down bar please for the love of god

what else can’t you customize with your ui

You didn’t give me an answer

Exactly. The worst part about it is that the new UI is written into the code without a reversible option, which effectively broke alot of addons that could fix the Ui’s problems in the first place.

Yeah it’s actually so annoying. It glows and I think someone queued so I click it just to see nothing

Neither bartender nor dominos can stop the LFG button from randomly glowing.

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No bro I refuse to be gaslight to ends of the earth here this is so silly I can’t even explain it bro. “the ui is bad because the eye glows and i can’t use the pet drop down bar” and you’re telling me i’m not in the right frame of mind when I’m simply asking you what else you can’t customize?

Blizz is already creepy enough now got a green eyeball staring at us spying on us.

Yeah I know, this should be changed if people are annoyed with it for sure. I just don’t buy calling the whole ui trash without examples besides the infamous pet drop down / portal drop down

I also don’t like when people don’t search for fixes instead just complain. but that’s just me.

Okay, I understand. I don’t want to gaslight you. Not my intention. There is alot wrong with the ui, including being unable to scale & customize party frames, target frames, boss frames (to a degree), and other things including design choices like the dungeon que which makes it seem like people are queuing when they actually arent, to a micromenu with blurry colors that makes things hard to see. I called the UI unfinished and poorly done, which it is. That’s a garbage implementation to me, since it so adversely affects so many other aspects of the game without an option to go without it.

I think you just disagree with my argument of the UI being poorly done, which is fine. We disagree. Some people agree with you, and some agree with me. Move on.