New dungeon finder button is awful

why on earth does it glow randomly when people havent qued yet? it’s beyond absurd, this new UI is just so half-baked.


The new UI is really good. Change happens. If you don’t like it then grab an addon to customize it more if you want.


Weird complaint but hey whatever floats your boat


If you get Bartender or something you can move and resize it to wherever you want, can’t help you with that glow-effect though.

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I think the new animation is pretty crisp, but the glow yeah… I agree, it’s confusing because it looks like someone has joined.


My only complaint is that the icons are too tinie tiny to see and click on. I do wish we could move the eye to the top where it was.

Otherwise the eye is fine.



The new Ui is garbage, if you think that’s fine then I honestly don’t know what to say. There’s no option to resize most things, rearrange the anchor points, and for the first two weeks it kept resetting randomly.

Saying “change happens” is a defeatist attitude towards life. Alot of change is un-needed and just poorly executed.

Also, please read what my main point was, which is perfectly valid. The new dungeon button glows randomly, giving the impression that somebody has queued when in fact it’s just a terribly thought out design.

What the hell are you even talking about? Genuinely curious. If complaining about a UI design that fools you into thinking people are queuing for your group is “weird”, maybe you’re the weird one. Good luck.


I agree we should all still be riding the horse and buggy.

Ah, immediately using the singularly most exaggerated example possible to argue why all change is good in your eyes.

Great job!


I can’t disagree that it’s half-baked. It’s like they went through all this trouble to remake it and it’s still in beta. The eye is the perfect example of this.


Seems you’re the one saying all change is bad :wink:

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Yeah. The changing of the UI may have been a step in the right direction for some, but with Blizzard’s track record of fixing things correctly after they’re implemented, who knows when anything will be done.

You do realize that you used the term “change happens” when I said the new UI is poorly done? You’re giving a blanket statement that’s suggesting that change is fine because it happens. I merely argued that not all change is positive.

Still confused?

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Not really. That eyeball is hilariously huge and can’t be moved. I had to completely redo my UI just to plan around that… thing. And SexyMap doesn’t move it. I’d have to get an entirely new bar addon for it.

It’s poor design, imo.

Ignore him. It’s an impersonator troll just out to make nonsensical comments.


Because it does. Get used to it. That’s life.

I wasn’t familiar with the poster, but I felt like his initial comment warranted a fair response because it’s a pretty common reply with the new UI complaints.

That I understand. But continuing with him is just feeding the troll. He’s impersonating an old poster named Humanbeak, just using the name backwards and solely posts nonsense to trigger people.

It’s hilarious that you’re forgetting the point of your original post. You defended the UI and said change happens. By association, you were defending a poorly implemented feature by suggesting anything that “changes in life” is fine.

I never argued that change never happens. I argued that this change was poorly done. How is this a difficult thing for you to understand? Pretty sad ngl.

ty, noted now.


Which is your incorrect opinion.

nonsense. lmao.
“I dont like it”
“its garbage”
Total horse dung and you know it.

“do it like i do it or youre doing it wrong”
Sound about right?
I WANT to be able to resize it.

moving stuff around?

dude…you DO flipping get that there are ADDONS out there that do this stuff BECAUSE many of US WANTED to do it, right? lmao.

instead of using a UI you hate, why don’t you customize it using an addon, like i don’t understand using a horrid ui you don’t like… it takes a few minutes to adjust it to however you want

the eye, although such a small detail can’t be adjusted i don’t think

open up curse, download bartender, and make your ui how you would define as “good enough”