New dungeon finder button is awful

You think i’m being ridiculous when I literally am telling you that portals / pets aren’t a big deal because I figured out how to fix it in 2 seconds? This is being ridic? I might be a genius to GD or something. or i should be.

The solution to your problem is Elvui.

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It also gets angry when you click on it too many times!

Damn blizzard and their checks notes unnecessary but fun polish.

I am saying the change of the icon glowing all the time is a weird complaint since you can mouse over and see if people are qued, etc. Save complaints for actual difficult things dude. This is a waste of data to make this thread lol

No, the fact that you’re defending known bugs is what’s ridiculous. The reasons of which are beyond me.

omg don’t suggest them to get addons especially not elvui they’ll lose their minds being able to customize everything.

I have Elvui currently, and I also tried Shadow and Light (elvui plugin). Elvui doesn’t fix alot of the issues that we’re discussing.

Your opinion is irrelevant. The facts are that they’re bugged and not working. If you cannot discern the difference, then I don’t know what to tell you.

I think it should be fixed, of course. I’m not defending anything, i just figured out how to fix it in 2 seconds. I’m a genius. I fixed the problem. But I also don’t think that using portals on actionbars is a good argument for why the new ui is garbage but that’s just me :woman_shrugging:

literally lmao.
you didnt say 'this wont do X it needs to be fixed" son…you are blanketly calling the entire UI ‘garbage’…which is hyperbolic nonsense given so many of us ARE using it just fine.
Bugs…sure…and if you know that, say that…dont act like the whole thing is trash because youre personally having bug issues.

about a minute ago

You might be fine with going into your spellbook like a doofus and using your spells from there, but some people prefer to use their spells from their actionbars. Plain and simple.

I highly doubt that.

You don’t need to use your spellbook. For the second time, you just drag the actual ability to your action bar. I know this is crazy, and groundbreaking. How in the world do you think I use all my 20 portals and my pets on warlock

and I just did that in that video…the bar is below the video area, but its on the action bar and worked perfectly

likely a bug on your end…needs fixed…HARDLY makes all the UI changes ‘garbage’

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like they think this is a good argument why the ui is bad. portals. and pets. that you can bind anyway. lmao

Learn how to use timestamps on your video or it’s worthless. I don’t care if it was uploaded 3 minutes ago. I also just logged onto my age and tried to use the same spell. Doesn’t work. Alot of other people are saying the same thing.

i aint doing squat son.
It just worked.
you want to call me a liar? fine
I say youre lying about it not working

now…youre wasting my IRL minutes
/thread and blocked

dude thinks I just had a 3 year old video sitting around of my doing the EXACT thing hes complaining about in here to upload real fast to prove a point

Right, so on my mage i’ll drag each individual portal and teleport spells onto my actionbars and waste about 20 slots.

You’re literally somehow defending a bug that does that.

You’re beyond stupid.

No, for portals you just use the spellbook because you don’t need a bind for every single portal. Prior actually, this is with the old ui but you’ll ignore this comment, you could only press the keybind to open the drop down menu, you’d have to click the actual ability unless you binded the specific ability. This was the same thing as before, the ability just doesn’t open now.

I had “Summon Pet” bound prior on Shift R. You press SHIFT R, and it would just open the drop down menu. BTW.

Horse dung.

It’s a known glitch. Stop trying to defend it. End of story. Good luck.