Suggesting that “other addons” exist when somebody complains about something awful built into the game is the worst argument you could possibly use. Complaining about a poorly done ingame feature is perfectly valid, even more so when alot of people are agreeing.
It’s not a bad argument. Because you’re willingly giving yourself something to complain about when it’s 100% a choice you have to adjust your UI and make it not garbage. But that’s on you, why do that when you can just complain
This isn’t about the eye, this is just about calling the ui garbage in general
But you…literally berated me for describing something as garbage. You attacked me for using that word to disagree with me, and then you used another term like garbage to describe my stance.
To boil it down very simply: You literally just did what you accused me of doing, in 2 sentences or less.
It’s hilarious!
And it’s still happening. The last post in there was 5 hours ago.
There’s also been other threads recently, as well.
So… another nit picky post is your reference? About portals on action bars? This is what you go with when we’re discussing how you can make your UI pretty much however you want it? That’s the example you go with? Because you can’t use portals on your action bars the ui sucks?
My UI improving addons (moveanything, zperl) were perfectly fine until the new UI broke them.
The new UI is not optional. Even if you choose the classic layout, the new UI code is still written into the game. There aren’t even addons that exist currently that could move some of the changes that blizzard did. It’s a stupid argument. Nobody should be forced to search for addons to bandaid a terrible UI, especially since the new UI is claiming to be optimizable in the first place. It’s stupid all around.
it does still need tweaking, for sure. But this ‘its garbage’ nonsense is laughable drama.
They needed to go further but we’re acting like this current incarnation is THE END of the changes lmao. We ALL know its not. Theyre laying a ground work for a new UI that will likely allow even better addon and in game options.
When my character gets trashed over a ‘bug’ yeah, Im gonna flame on a bit because now my game as a whole has been screwed over. Lost quests in a questline have cost me more wasted time than I care to remember.
But when theyre WORKING ON something like this we all need to ‘calm down’ as someone spewed above and toss out ideas and report bugs as we see them and HELP blizzard figure out where the problems are and what needs to be changed and fixed.
This 'ITS GARBAGE" nonsense is hyperbolic.
The OP knows full well he CAN play his game just as easily as before.
It’s not bandaiding, and if you want a functional ui then you should put effort into it. But again, why would you do that. “searching for an addon” lol clicking 3 times
RIIIIGHT…and so now the addon MAKERS need to get their rumps in gear and get their addons up to date.
Thats on them.
We’re not stifling the game because your…or my…favorite addons gets hosed for a while.
… it’s a bug report. There are many bug reports on it. Call pet, portals, demons, etc… all having issues. That’s not “nit picky,” that’s kind of important. It’s been an issue since beta. But hey, if you’re okay with warlocks not being able to summon demons or hunters, then sure.
What an odd hill to die on.
The UI isn’t even functional to begin with. There are still alot of features broken on it.
Just admit it, your stance makes no sense
I ‘berated’ you for SPEFICALLY calling the UI garbage.
it isnt.
learn to pay better attention .
We can summon with keybinds. You go into the spell book and you drag the actual ability in the drop down bar to your actual bars. I know this took a lot of brain power to figure out. How could I possibly figure this out in literally two seconds.
Ive been playing every day since I got on beta weeks ago.
Im literally playing the game right now with ZERO UI problems
how is not not functional?
You see why Im using words like ‘drama’ and ‘hyperbole’ in here?
The fact remains that mages still can’t use the summon portal button, which is an obvious glitch and further proof that blizzard released a very poorly done feature. I love the mental gymnastics you’re doing.
They can use the portal button. You press P and then press the spell. This isn’t an important keybind for anyone, I main a mage and a warlock. I would be complaining about these things if they effected me in any way shape or form, but again, it took me 2 seconds to figure out how to use portals on my action bars / summon pets. I liteally main these classes
Yes. because you’re a dramatic person who overuses the caps lock button.
You can’t negate somebody else’s experiences by saying it never happened to you. This is 5th grade level stuff here.
logging into one of my mages right now…tell me exactly what its doing
You seem to want to purposely act obtuse and ignore the actual issues going on with these bugs and I don’t know why.
Is there a particular reason you’re being so defensive of actual game bugs? Or that you care that some people are waiting until they’re all fixed to use the addons? Or that others would like some more options into the base UI?
Y’all are being a little ridiculous in here.