ugh…hit that delete button by accident again. Come on Admins…give me a warning pop up. lol
If they don’t like it, they don’t like it. If it’s terrible to them compared to what they used to use, then it’s terrible to them. You don’t get to dictate that.
… that’s what he’s complaining about? What? He wants to resize and move things that can’t be resized and moved right now.
And most of them are bugged right now. What’s your problem with people asking for more options? That’s what we’ve been doing all beta.
here you go…bland nothing
Esc > edit mode > layout > classic
pretty easy and you dont have to worry about moving anything ever again lmao.
Every single UI addon I have is fully functional, Elvui + Bartender. If you don’t want to use elvui, bartender is perfectly fine and fully functional.
What an odd nit pick
Yeah the eye at the bottom of the screen instead on the map get me every time
yeah…son, I do.
AGAIN…“i dont like it”…FINE
“its garbage” is a JOKE.
you DO comprende the difference between OBjective and SUBjective, I assume?
Yeah you may not like the new UI but it’s definitely better for a new player able to move whatever they want so they can actually see their bars and pay attention to whats going on on the screen
thats on the addon makers problem, though i see you somehow MISSED the POINT of that statement lmao.
there…simple enough to comprende?
So saying the UI changes werent ‘needed’ is absurd. PLayers WANTED change.
Oh the horror how will you ever move past this?
yo im pretty sure u can move the eye btw. i def moved it, it was in the middle of the screen at one point
Keybindings are causing issues, fly out menus are causing issues, etc.
Not really? The group finder button glows to show when people join a group. Now it just randomly glows and is in a weird position— and huge.
No. You don’t. Their opinion, your opinion. That’s how things go. People are absolutely allowed to ask for options that don’t affect you.
To them, it’s garbage. To you, it’s fine. That’s ALL subjective. I think you need to “comprende” the difference.
And the base UI added options, because people want options. And people have been asking for more options for the base UI since beta. Nowhere did the OP claim that this was unneeded. He said the changes were poorly implemented.
Calm down.
Well there’s change, progress, and change for change’s sake. Which is just change masquerading as progress.
While I don’t think the changes are that bad, They’re not that great either. For the most part they don’t come close to meeting the functionality of addons that are a decade old. Which is what I was expecting, functionality like bartender in a more intuitive and clean interface. Instead we partly get that and it is pretty buggy currently.
Nah, none of these issues are currently happening with Bartender at least. I have 0 issues, I’ve set up a few UI’s with bartender by now, keybinds are perfectly fine with 0 issues.
Use addons instead of complaining about the UI being awful. Why are you purposefully using a bad ui when you could just not
The UI is fine. needs some tweaks but ‘garbage’ is a outright hyperbolic drama.
I will…by ending this and any futher exchanges with you entirely.
Do you realize how ironic this is? You just berated for me for using the word “garbage” for disagreeing with something, and then you used the term “horse dung” because you disagreed with me.
Just…embarassing. Can’t really take anything you say seriously now, that and the caps lock overuse etc.
Yeah. Such an odd design choice.
Just one example:
Yet you’re sitting here screaming at them for their opinion…
Good idea. You’ve been oddly screaming and outraged since you came in here.
pretending to be obtuse like the other poster above? lol
your assessment is horse dung. The UI is fine. just needs some tweaks.
That was 16 days ago Thallia. Do you know when prepatch came out
That is also very nit picky, the same way this thread is.