I think a lot of it was spite, some of the most venomous posts I’ve seen from helfers came in those threads.
Helfer behavior is part of why, outside of being happy for my friend about blue eyes and skin, am stauchly Pro-Sin’dorei/Pro-Ren’dorei preservation.
Do you think Blood elf players involve themselves out of spite? Or a desire to protect themes they feel play important roles in the identity of the race they play? Many of which were coincidentally stressed by Ion himself when he explained why they chose Void elves over High elves. Do you think that “policing” was done just because too?
I wouldn’t doubt there are petty players out there who did want those customizations to spite Helf players, but to automatically assume that the only reason why anyone could possibly want those themes is to hurt you is pretty absurd. And that is what the helf crowd did, and why they’ve gotten such a terrible reputation throughout the forum community.
But helfers never bothered distinguishing between them. I dare you to find a single thread asking for something as harmless as tattoos that didn’t end up with helfers bombarding it by calling them a troll, only to derail it into a topic about High elves. Heck even Metzen had to stress to the helfers to show more respect when discussing their opinions over the forums.
Right, because despite the Narrator basically saying the sunwell was cleansing them, the idea of some minor fel-exposure being erased is was out of this world, but a few normal skin tones that were clearly added to the void elves at the last second is clearly evidence that Blizzard is plans on cleansing the Void elves of corruption so they can roll paladins and remove their entropic embrace. It’s weird that this overly presumptuous logic is only reasonable when it comes to thinks you want.
It’s very amusing.
Nobody said that, but did you not see the thread of a BE fan asking for all Thalassians to move to golden eyes?
That was my thinking for why BEs wouldn’t get blue eyes. For reference that person’s thread is below.
And like I said I was proven wrong so why are you still “amused” by my stance, I’m telling you I was wrong and you’re mocking that? My stance was a bit like that thread in a way, that BE’s specifically didn’t make sense to me to have blue eyes that is all as I thought Holy was dominant.
Still hoping for platinum blonde for Nelves. I didn’t see the orange hair as an option in the wowhead dressing room.
Will you use any of the new leaf options Ely?!
If we get Dark Ranger themes I will use one of the new short hairstyles I like with red eyes I’m still hoping for those options!
Most definitely. I am glad they took that option into account. Feels nice having that, maybe it’s a peace offering for the bfa story blunder… lol
I’ve always wondered one way or the other why they haven’t had an UD customization for blood elves because of how many the scourge killed.
If I’m not mistaken that thread was started by none other than Fyrebusche, an infamous alt-hopping anti. But of course bad behavior by anti’s is a-ok in some books.
I’m happy for you!!! I look forward to seeing the new customizations in on their glory displayed on your character when they are implemented!!
I’m sure a lot of people will be using new appearances all over the forums
Who cares what one person says? Especially when it’s already been confirmed that only light-wielding elves who are penitent in the light get gold eyes. You really shouldn’t let extremists influence your opinion on a request.
There’s a thread asking to forcibly change all Void elves into High elves, but I imagine most people here are rational enough to realize the absurdity of such a request.
It’s not that I’m amused that you are wrong, I’m amused that your skepticism only seems to apply to possibilities you don’t like, while on the other hand something like the void elf skin colors that were clearly decided as a last second compromise must suggest the Void elves have been purified of the void, and entropic embrace. Why pose skepticism to one side, and yet act so receptive and open to one that takes far more liberty with the lore?
Same! I have a gut feeling we have not seen everything for each race yet, including Belves. So here’s hopin!
I always felt Golden eyes were what BEs were moving towards. But I felt it odd to apply it to the Alliance HEs.
Either way I was wrong so was that thread but there is no harm in being wrong either.
Do you not do the same?
Either way it’s neither here nor there for me. I wasn’t receptive of how I thought the Sunwell was cleansing BEs, but I rather liked your idea of a few HEs returning home.
It is what it is. Blue eyes were achieved and I’m agreeing with Starla it is disingenuous to paint all BE players as being spiteful simply because of the request.
Why does she get larger…uh…assets then us? It’s not fair!
NPC privilege. We should start a movement against it.
I laughed.
Does she? Well in wrath Sylvanas, alexztrasza and Ysera had a bit more of a figure than the standard elf body… lol
Yeah they did, but Cezol is mentioning how it happened again, and the second incident happened in WoD but with an entirely different clan.
While I might be more active in requesting themes I favor, I do not propose skepticism onto requests merely to suit some personal agenda. Even Elyssaria and I discussed possible themes for playable High elves in the past. It makes the conversation feel disingenuous if one side is disagreeing not because they genuinely don’t agree with what is being proposed, but because they personally don’t like it.
I’m glad you think so, and thankfully there are quite a few rational, and level-headed Helfers here who I quite enjoy talking to, and even occasionally agree on things with.
I still want a secondary hair option for hood head armor. Let me have my pretty blonde locks falling out the front like Valeera and Alleria.