New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

The Night Elves allowed the Highborne back so now the Highvale are the only ones with an Anti Arcane Shtick. So they might as well learn to be druids.

TBH I don’t see Blood Elves getting Druids because they are already popular and have all Classes but 2.

Nightborne I can kinda see it happening but it might take a bit.

Good idea.

Especially since the next fight is people for/against Monstrous/Pretty options for each race.

The new war shall be Goths vs Valley Boys/Girls!


I don’t know, I told Fallyn before I want my character undead / ie : loyalist / Dark Ranger Themed. But I still enjoy the clean cut hair styles / prim and proper look besides being undead, undead but with my own Southern California esque twist. So undead doesn’t necessarily mean goth unless you follow through with the hair style and other things I feel like.

I just want to be cute and undead lol.


Dialogue from an NPC who thought the Blood elves following Kael’thas were the same blood elves from Silvermoon, which they obviously learned wasn’t true or else we wouldn’t have seen Auric Sunchaser, their leader, residing at the Sunwell with the Blood elves calling for reunification, and calling them his lords.

But yes, it’s completely impossible that any of them would ever be interested in returning home since they all clearly weren’t pining to when you talk to them in Outland. Not like one of them even said their life’s dream was to become a Farstrider or anything. We have to realize this is the first time they’re even hearing of the splintering, it’s not hard to believe some of these elves might have felt that their loyalty to their homeland and people came first, especially considering that 90% of their population felt that way.

Also explains why we’ve seen zero presence of them anywhere in an expansion centered on Faction conflict. Alleria could have easily went to them, and recruited them to her cause but instead decided to recruit Blood elves. The last time we’ve seen any elf from Allerian Stronghold is at the Sunwell with the blood elves. :wink:

Probably because light-worshipping High elves like Auric would be disgusted by the idea of forsaking the Sunwell and consorting with the Void, especially if they wanted nothing to do with Kael’thas in Outlands. But yes Drede, it’s far more likely that he would turn himself into something that threatens the sanctity of the very thing he was willing to risk his life to protect.

No, you see, despite all of his leaps, and presumptions with the lore, only things that prove convenient to his agenda are possible. All these unrealistic suggestions revolving absurd ideas like removing all of the void from Void elves, despite having absolutely zero evidence to support it through the lore, but no, High elves returning home is the most unrealistic thing suggested yet.

Don’t worry about having to convince Drede of anything, as he was doing this same thing when Gold eyes for blood elves were mentioned in the forums too, and look how that turned out.

Exactly, the very elves the Blood elves in Azsuna reference when they see you with Thas’dorah.

“Wait a moment, Champion. Is that the Ancient bow of the Windrunners? My father fought alongside Alleria in the second war. (WC2 Rangers) I never thought we’d see that weapon again…”

But he’ll have you believe that this has been retconned, despite nothing ever stating such.


Ohh I see. I love the nature theme. I love nature in general, so :sweat_smile:

I don’t play Night Elves because I don’t like their physical attributes. Well, I do like the females, but I think their casting animations are exaggerated or don’t make sense. I like the males’ casting animations better, but then their physical body is disproportionate imo…

So… yeah, you get why I don’t play Night Elves, even though I’d love to :rofl:


Goths can have pretty hair.

Just look at Morticia Addams.

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Daily reminder: Every copy+paste AR has all the faces of their core race, excluding Void Elves.

Blizzard, please don’t ignore this. There’s literally no reason not to give us those last 2 faces.


Looks like durdur doesn’t have a lore citation.

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True! But I have a very distinct undead valley boy vibe for me!

Yeah I was hoping to see more NE faces in that regard, youthful ones for example for males are hopefully in the works!

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I don’t think there’s any reason for them not to, but I’d wager this is probably at the end of their to-do list.

We’ll probably see new (and hopefully original) options for the rest of core races, probably Blood Elves first as they’re the most popular playable race in the game. :blush:


Nah, haven’t you heard, we got these cool bracelets now.


B-but kEwL bRAcElEtS.

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Hopefully much more coming soon with the other core races of course.

I will be happy for the tattoos that people want for Farstriders and Magisters. It’s another feature I won’t use though :confused:

If we get some red eyes and the undead Dark Ranger skins, I will be so happy, we will have to revive the BE celebration thread I’ll be so happy!

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I think it would be cool to have a toggle like the Night Elf leaves in the hair that shows or hides the tentacles. Not only does this benefit those seeking a High Elf aesthetic, but the opposite can also be true. It could also allow tentacles to be added to the hair styles that have none currently.

It’s also just nice for giving some variation on the hairstyles whether you want to lean into the void aesthetic or not. Assuming no new hairstyles for Void Elves with Shadowlands launch, having that toggle “kinda-sorta-not-really-but-ok” gives us 6 more hairstyles for males and females.


Stop spreading lies.


Honestly almost every Helfer would use that line in any thread asking for customization they happened to want too. And it’s always been a lazy, and unconvincing argument. Because clearly the only feasible explanation for wanting those cosmetic options is to hurt them. :roll_eyes:

Can’t tell you how many times I would see some poor, unsuspecting soul make a thread asking for something as harmless as tattoos only for a swarm of them to descend in and derail it about High elves. It’s just their way of undermining a cause when they don’t have any argument against it.


What was the reason, then?

You guys have been policing and still police everything we ask for? It’s kind of hard not to feel as if you guys are doing it just because.


I don’t think anyone thought it was the only reason people wanted them but it being one of the reasons wasn’t lost on anyone either.

That being said that’s all over with and Blue eye are achieved and as someone who didn’t think it made sense with Holy magic of the Sunwell seeming more sinister to me, I never thought of HEs returning home either as you’ve pointed out. So it is what it is, I’m happy for you, I won’t be using them, I’ll use them on my VE priest though with the new customizations.

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I think it’s greed.

To be fair I think it’s disingenuous to say / paint everyone as one hive mind. That includes antis, so I do feel it’s unfair that because some people may want things out of spite that that’s the only narrative people run with. It happens on the pro side too, and no one likes it when we’re painted as spiteful.

People should be more respectful overall and not paint people as all the same.

And I for one don’t think it was “the” reason for that request, it was always valid I just disagreed with it, and I think it’s wrong for people to judge everyone based off what they think are people’s intentions.