New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Bed time for me. I’ll be back tomorrow.

Lol Void elf was the failed compromise.

What they’re doing now is adding what should of been from the beginning, there is no compromise, there’s repair. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


That’s true! I forgot about that black hair in the teaser!

Still I’d rather hear it from the devs as a fact rather than assume I’m getting something that may have just been a mistake by whoever made the teaser images and end up disappointed. >_>


Well there’s one thing you got right

Sounds dandy then, after these “compromises”, then Nightborne get to stay ugly right?

Can’t be taking too much from Night elves now can we?

Wouldn’t be a fair compromise. :man_shrugging:

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If they fix Nightborne it’s not like they’re going to suddenly be a copy of the night elf model.


If you’re referring to this thread, I got some sad news. That is not asking for Void Elves to be renamed or for there racials to be changed.


Right but that’s not fair as compared to High elf customization is it?

Why would they be allowed to take more from Night elves if high elf customization isn’t allowed to go further than the so far revealed skin tone options?


I disagree that is a bad arc, because her “I Love The Light Again” spiel rings frightfully true for someone that falls into despair and does Bad Things and gets another Chance To Be Good. Regardless if this is a good or bad thing, the fact that she went “back” to the light after allegedly disavowing it is poignant. In either case it explains her current zeal.

Personally, one of my examples of how the light is not good and how it exploits people’s need for a higher purpose and surrendering free will.

Which again, would work so great on an expansion where the light is the enemy.

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Shadows doesn’t understand the difference between optional and forced, I wouldn’t bother :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


That’s true.

What have they taken from Night Elves in the first place? A different model that is of a similar height and build, and a few male skin tones that are close if not identical? The story is just blood elves 2.0 so it’s not stepping on NE lore either.


Yeh, but RP’ing doesn’t count as in-game lore. Glad some people wanted to explore it tho, sad it went down so bad :confused:


Nothing yet, but making them prettier/closer to night elves, wouldn’t be fair if high elf customization doesn’t also get to go that far because of “compromise” though right?

I mean, I’m more than ok with Nightborne getting all the customization people ask for to make them what is desired, weird how you don’t feel the same for high elf customization.

But I forgot, if it goes against the horde it’s not allowed in Tarroks book. :thinking:


Even as someone that thinks worrying about Entropic Embrace is way too nitpicky, I gotta agree that even that is not “renaming the Void Elves” and “racials to be changed.”

For me, it’s such a small request that doesn’t matter either way; don’t really get why people care much for EE, nor do I see it as being cosmetically and optionally changed as utterly destroying VE fantasy.

Personally I just see it as implausible given we have little customization for Racials, and nothing in just cosmetic terms.


Have I ever said don’t ask for what you want?

I’ve just said don’t trot out the word compromise to try and shame people who don’t agree with your request when you’re just asking for what you want, and not some in between compromise.


I didn’t, you and shadows did. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::man_shrugging:

What’s happening now is what should of happened 2 years ago, you can’t be against it under the guise of compromise, it was a compromise with void elves, it’s a repair now with high elf customizations.


You’re the one who claims you didn’t get a compromise when you jumped into someone else’s conversation.


I actually corrected the misinformation that she continues to try and spread, as always, I’m sure you’re used to that by now. :man_shrugging:

Because we definitely have not received any significant customization options besides skin tones that have been confirmed thus far, and we definitely haven’t received the lore for high elves we desperately want, so as usual, most of her points are either misinformation or lying.

Are you saying you’re fine with that?


Yes yes, you keep working on the “If you (cezol) tell a lie often enough maybe it will become truth.”

So aside from the gigantic customization options you’re receiving well before ARs were slated to get them, you got nothing?

You continuing to lie and attack other people for the crime of not agreeing with you? No, I’m not fine with that.