New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Sorry, “regular skin tones” are gigantic to you?

Are we sure that’s not just bias talking?

Oh can you point to that?

Cause I’m pretty sure what I said to correct shadows is actually the truth, we have not received sizeable options, we got what most races have: regular skin tones. And we most certainly have not received confirmed lore.

You understand yours and her bias of making sure high elf fans receive as little as possible is not fact, correct?

And frankly, pretty spiteful towards players, but that’s expected from your side at this point.


In this context, and based on the language that makes it sound like void elves will get all the blood elf skin tones? Yeah, that’s pretty huge, especially when ARs weren’t supposed to be getting anything yet.



Careful dude. Her point is VERY valid. You guys can get some decent stuff, but this doesn´t mean ALL of you can get ALL you want, cause guess what? That´s when retarded “muh Helf Silvermoon or GTFO” inane petitions are born.

Saying everybody should play everything IS detrimental to the lore -that´s how moronic things like Calia Menethil are born-. Writers need to keep at least a minimum of boudaries and narrative coherence in their work, cause when they don´t we get BfA esque expacs full of stupid detrimental plots.

Dude, I think you and Callistus are so distracted by the Velf drama you haven´t even perceived correctly the Nightborne issue Horde side.

The issue is NOT that Hordies wanted to play “Night Elves”. Is that Hordies wanted to play the NPC race created in Legion under the name “Nightborne”. People says Nightborne are fugly not because they look different to Nelves, but because they look different TO THEIR OWN FREAKING NPCS!!!

Heck, I´d say the stuff that deffinitely made “uglier” the playable Nightborne IS the things devs took from the Nelf playable model (A.K.A. the ridiculous hourglass shape on the male -seriously, male Nelves have more waist to hip ratio than their females; no wonder the devs had to make them ridiculously muscular cause if not the gals are the ones that end up looking manlier-, the big eyes, the round faces, the crooked nose…).

Your comparison start from a faulty premise… I think the less similar the Nightborne to the Nelf model, the happier Horde players will be.


Aside from the fact that they’re an AR which is neither here nor there because this isn’t about void elf customization it’s about high elf customizations, which are inherently more popular:

We have not been officially confirmed to get more hair style and color options, we literally have only gotten confirmed “regular skin tones” and blue eyes, which are also being granted to Blood Elves, so how you continue to see what we gained in exchange as “gigantic” escapes me my guy.

Don’t know how you think her and your blatant bias is a lie, but go off.

I love you still pretending to not be biased towards the high elf demand after all this time, like most of us know who you and shadows are Tarrok. :rofl:


Unproven nonsense you use to inflate your already over inflated sense of entitlement.

Aside from it being a superior playable thalassian elf model that has a broader range of options than the original race?

Oh my god, the not at all biased in any way Cezol thinks I’m biased, what will I do? And why are there so many stones being thrown from that glass house of yours?

A couple dozen squirrels disguised in a trench coat arguing about pixel elves on the internet?

Well, that’s me, can’t speak for Shadows.


Sucking the windchime wasn´t a perfect I-win non issue button for the Blood Knights dude… the thing basically made Galell insane thanks to the static. It was cruel in it´s own way towards the elves.

Heck, after Legion and the Mag´har, I´m starting to believe leaving the windchime unsupervised and running rampant in Quel´thalas would had been the actual dangerous thing.

The times when windchimes were automathically good are a thing of the past.

Liadrin balancing her magical intake and sucking life to protect the civilians is NOT a bad thing. Especially under the new light in which Naaru are not “good angels” but actually more alike biblical ones with personal agendas and stuff.

Yeah and destroyed her narrative arc.

How hilariously toxic, please enlighten me on how you think the demand for high elves is nothing compared to the demand for a race that didn’t exist till about 2 years ago.

Get it together my dude. :rofl:

Sorry what?

You suggesting Blood elves don’t have as many options as Void Elves?

Or is this cause you’re hyping up the irrelevant caster racials void elves have.

Please, continue to enlighten me.

Lol who do you think you’re tricking at this point?

Sure, I’m biased towards High Elves, difference is I don’t ignore lore for the sole purpose of denying valid player requests out of personal spite.

You get that right?

You literally today were denying high elf involvement in the Alliance because you think high elf ballista “could be anything”. :rofl:

C,mon man, let’s not dive head first into Fyre territory. :man_shrugging:


I wouldn’t trust blizzard to do such a conflict with any sort of nuance.

At this point you literally have a Horde race that can’t be a Paladin. You have the model, the same animations, soon same skin tones. I understand “But High Elves were always an Alliance race” Yes, yes… yes. I get it. They were with the Alliance at one point, the story changed over time. You know, the LORE you’re always using as a reason. I guess lore is only good if it benefits what you want, else it’s not correct and shouldn’t be that way. The majority, most, the larger amount of High Elves joined the Horde and had their name changed to Blood Elves. They are still the same race. They were added to Horde and have been playable since TBC. Blood Elves have the High Elf Lore because they were, but you guys don’t care about that Lore. Tired of seeing lore as a reason, when it’s clearly not. It’s just being selfish and wanting to play the High Elves of old on the Alliance and not have to play on the Horde because you don’t like playing Horde.

Blizzard has givin’ a lot of compromise. I feel too much at this point because now my character that I’ve mained since Feb 09 feels like a copy/paste.

You guys want the hair styles and hair colors. I’ve seen demands for Void Paladins that makes absolutely no sense since Void and light are opposites and the reason Void Elves were kicked away from the Horde in the first place because they could destroy the Sunwell that is made of light. Then I see requests for Void Knights. How would that work? Alliance get’s a new class Horde can’t use because that class could destory their Sunwell? :\


It is hilariously toxic the way you pretend to know how the numbers work in order to prioritize your desires at the cost of others. Let me broaden that out a bit. It’s toxic the way you claim majority status to try and demand that your demands be given higher priority than the demands of the people who like void elves as void elves.

They don’t. Void elves can be void elfy and high elfy now. Blood elves just have the high elf look.

Well that’s funny.

There’s that lying thing again. I just denied that the presence of blue high elven ballistas is solid confirmation of the presence of the SC at the end of the faction war thing. And that until there’s some explanation of what it is, that it remains up in the air what it represents.

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It’s actually just called reading the room, I knew High Elves were the biggest Alliance demand before I started caring about correcting lore biased people like you :kissing_heart:.

I also never said High Elf customizations deserve higher priority, I only said they are exceedingly more popular than void elf customization demands, which is inherently true, as much as that rustles your jimmies.

And yellow and green, eyes and more class options and even more customization options in shadowlands than any other race besides human and also 70% of the horde player base.

But you’re right, how dare void elves get just Regular skin tones so far. :man_shrugging:

Doesn’t take a lot of mental effort to know how to connect dots bro.

Especially when the leader of the only showcased militarized group of Alliance High Elves is in the same scenario.

But yes, I’m the one lying. :crazy_face::rofl:


Iff Void Elves get all the Blood Elf skins then Void Elves will have all the Void Elf skins and all the Blood Elf skins, thus having more customization options unless new Blood Elf only options are added.

If Blizzard decides to carbon copy all of the Blood Elf features, which some people are demanding, Void Elves will have all their options plus all the Blood Elf options, but it won’t go both ways.

This is the simple math Tarrok is talking about. It’s also a concern for me as a Blood Elf main.


Certainly, after BfA any good will I used to feel regarding the writers is nonexistant. I´m waiting for the other shoe to drop and play though a MoP 3.0 in a couple of years.

Velves are a lore aberration per se simply because it´s monumentally STUPID how the personal army of super Light Windchime (LF Draenei), who did nothing when their windchime imprisoned the wifey of their human pet under the suspicion of void allegiance (implying they were concerned too with Alleria´s… tastes), were suddenly totally cool with tentacle cultist that went all tentacle worshipping for the lols and that 2 min ago were former enemies that killed their Draenei brethen for a decade).

Velf lore is a mess per se, the pally implementation deffinitely would have to be restricted heavily depending on customization (indeed making ALL pallies available High Elves indoctrined by their human overlords).

I don´t see a terrible issue if in exchange we can demand back the more unique execution paladin Belves used to have pre Sunwell Plateau (A.K.A. proper Blood Knights that see the light as a magical source/tool and not a deity) come back.

It’s good to get those things off one’s chest. Hope you feel better now.


I agree, I’m talking about Liadrin’s perspective here; It reveals that she thinks that what she was doing was Bad, so when she was presented with salvation she jumped at it because she hated what she was doing and was just boasting.

That makes her arc interesting; it reframes her “No we are the True Masters of the light” as false bravado, cause she flipped the switch really quick. It really rings true of people that became religious again after a bad period of life. I’m not trying to pass a judgement whether that’s a good or bad thing, but it rings very true, specially when the cause of the denouncing is anger at that higher power for “abandoning you”.

That’s the bit I disagree with. I think it makes it different from expected, but not bad. One has to learn to separate between something that one doesn’t like and something that is actually narratively bad. Overcome your own biases and all that.

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Void elves still have exceedingly less customization options than Blood elves even if they gained all their skin tones AND hair styles and colors, Blood Elves have customization options for jewelry as well as multiple more eye colors as well as a wider range of classes.

I always feel better when you decide to stop pretending to be on the side of fairness for the night.

Looking forward to see who you’ll hide behind for the rest of the discussion. :heart:


So you are trying to tell me that 12 skin choices is greater than 18 skin choices?


Sadly, true.

Buuuut, if the Light as an enemy was the actual plot of an expansion (Yrel’s Tyranny of Light FTW!!) It could be achievable as it brings the issue to the forefront and it’s less about nuance of perspective and more materially about “but what if zealotry is bad”

Nah mate, you don’t get to call out other people as “you don’t care about the lore” when high elves -even if they are a small number- have been always part of the alliance during WoW’s life and your own counter argument is “but blood elves are already on the horde” when that’s literally a gameplay concern, not a lore one. How do you not see the hypocrisy?

There are high elves on the alliance that did not become blood elves, those are the facts, that’s the lore. We wanted to lore specific of those high elves that never left the alliance and didn’t become blood elves. How is it you STILL DON’T GET THE ISSUE?

Tired of seeing lore as the reason? Maybe try FOR ONCE to actually get the point being made all this darn time.

Yes, most Blood Elves are on the Horde, they are functionally all the same race; but FFS, we literally just want the ones that DIDN’T BECOME BLOOD ELVES AND REMAINED ON THE ALLIANCE TO BE PLAYABLE. How TF do YOU STILL NOT GET IT?

Does the capslock work? Does it make it clearer? I actually doubt it, because after all this time you still refuse to get the simple lore facts of the situation, and it’s a loss battle try to explain it to people like you.


As a Horde main I agree that Velves can´t get EVERYTHING. To demand all and every customization option available + all the class available to Belves IS selfish and detrimental to our race.

I think we should start by asking the Helfers to properly compromise too, to be clear and concise regarding the stuff they expect and the stuff we both can negotiate about.

Man, as long as her narrative arc makes her actually confront her “shadow” (A.K.A. the whole religious worship and perception of the light) in a more genuine way, I´m totally up for a Liadrin arc in incoming expacs.

I say it destroyed it because she ended exactly where she started, with no apparent real “growth”… with a naive and blind “devotion” to the light rergardless on how the environment surrounding the practicioners paint a different light -pun intended- to the worship per se. It comes especially incoherent after the whole BfA Horde villain bat (I mean was she blind? wasn´t she aware the Horde army commited a terrible crime that should had been denounced by her precious light?)

You said customization, not skin choices.

Customization wise, Blood Elves will always beat Void Elves, they have much more options and are only getting more in Shadowlands.

Besides, a lot of people will be switching to normal skin tones, away from the blue ones, so it’s almost like they have the same :man_shrugging: