New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I’m not taking the bait. You’ve been active in the threads in question and know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m not saying ALL helfers share these views, but a very vocal group of them do.


Thing is I’ve seen the threads you’re talking about and most if not all of them are not from regular high elf fans as you claim.

So you can say “these multiple threads that people made about high elf customization”, and leave high elf fan regulars out of it, because I know most of the regulars did not make more threads past the celebration threads and the positivity thread.

Kindly leave your baseless accusations at the door, because most of us understand the avenue that’s been presented by blizzard with high elf options for void elves :man_shrugging::wave:.


Ok, whatever you say. :roll_eyes:


Thought so :kissing_heart:

As someone who has seen ALL the spectrum regarding the Helf playerbase, I will give you some advice:

Exercise compromise. Don´t go all inflexible, cause the more you deny optional stuff for them, the more the actual selfish inbdividuals inside that playerbase will take advantage to ask for more actual detrimental things. A customization option is -usually- NOT a direct one way ticket to controversial lore development or worse, gameplay development. Your void flavor won´t be lost if with those options people gets satisfied and moves on.

Also, be clear in which lenghts you´re willing to compromise, that helps clear stuff with the more sensible Helfers and makes more evident the non sensible ones (heck, usually the sensible Helfers WILL help one to counter outrageous demands made by people selfishly obssesed with getting their WC2 fix. They help prevent actual damaging development like an actual erasure of the Void elves as a race or Belves losing Silvermoon or similar stuff).

A screaming match with them won´t take you anywhere cause then you lose the support of the sensible ones and give more ammo to the selfish ones.

I take it most of the a-holes proposing ridiculous stuff like Halduron betraying Lor´themar and rolling SC or Velves/Helves conquering Silvermoon aren´t active right now?

That´s reasuring. Cause I had to deal with those types 2 years ago, and it wasn´t happy.


I mean I agree to some extent, but IMO it just seems that Liadrin radicalized the Blood Knights to become light zealots. She’s the matriarch after all, she is not going to allow people that don’t share her views on the light to have much power.

Which could lead to a very interesting plot about a group of Blood Knights that just don’t buy into the religiosity of it all and see the light just as a tool, as they originally did, just without the “we are syphoning from a chained light being”

I would actually love a dichotomy in BE paladins between worshippers of the light and the ones that use it as a tool, but it’s also VERY interesting that light use seems to lead to zealotry very often, and while we only see Yrel’s light crusade and the Scarlet Crusade as the “bad ones” all paladins fall under this idea of religous seal.

So what I am saying, is that when Yrel invades us, paladins across Azeroth are going to be swayed/mind controlled, and only the BE’s with the OG view of mastery of light are going to be able to save us.


I’ve literally never in my life have heard of this.


The loud extreme helfers make great inspiration for RP and I’m going to take the inspiration and run with it.

A malevolent group of blonde hair blue eyed pUrE high elf supremacists bent on pUrIfYiNg Thalassian Elves, at any cost. Even if pUrIfIcAtIoN kills 90% of the victims converts.

Good times.

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Well, considering how much they have gotten already (or will get come Shadowlands), I think plenty has been compromised. Changing one of the most iconic racial abilities of Void Elves is a line I’m not willing to cross. They got the looks, lore, and every reasonable class option. That’s quite enough.


I don’t see Zandalari Paladins falling into this though tbh…

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So far we’ve barely gotten the look, I’m looking forward to seeing more hairstyles and colors :man_shrugging:.

And whatever the lore behind these options are, it’s not confirmed to be because of canonical Alliance High Elves, we only highly suspect it is, so wrong again.

Class options are neither here nor there, I think everyone should be able to be everything but Druid, but that’s just me :man_shrugging:

So “plenty” has not been compromised, but I’m sure you being as biased as you are believe it to be that way.


Compromise doesn’t mean you get every single thing you wanted.


We got the model in Legion/BfA Pre-order.

We’re getting skin tones in Shadowlands.

Beyond that… we might not be getting anything else at all. It’s too soon to crow or cry about what Void Elves are getting… because right now the only thing we know is coming are the skin tones. That’s it. There’s been no mention from the devs of hairstyles or hair colors, or anything else yet, and there may not be.

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We still need the lore but once they give the green light on those Wayfarers being officially new VEs, many will be relieved and happy. I for one will be. I don’t want to RP as a current High Elf, I’m fine with my Void Elf being a former Alliance High Elf, a wayfarer loyal to Alleria who identifies with the pragmatism of the Void Elves. But that lore would also make a nice touch for people who want to be HEs in RP of their characters too, to officially have that stance that some VEs are former HEs. I’ll be very happy then, and it seems imo at least a logical thing for them to confirm at some point.


This was happening on WrA Horde back in WoD. Unfortunately it got co-opted by people who were OOCly white supremacist trolls.

They DID show a picture of a Void Elf with the new Blood Elf black hair color, so more hair options are at least implied.

I have been trying to get them to realize that for months


Her 180 regarding “muh light” after it basically let her down in the invasion of Silvermoon IS a narrative aberration. She literally experienced in the flesh how the light is a fickle non reliable thing.

Most stupid character development ever. Liadrin should have kept a more pragmatic view in regards to the light, not go back to “muh precious light that is PeRfEcT!!!”… Light was anything but perfect. And she paid the price with having to decapitate her beloved foster father with no mourning period allowed.

This. So much this.

Pfffffffffff… as if devs are gonna actually villain bat an Alliance character. After BfA I expect the devs doubling down in making the “surviving” Blood Knights the goodie two shoes pallies and villain batting to death the ones with a more pragmatic approach.

Fist iterations of Alurna´s Helf megathread, like one and a half or more years ago.

Man, I remember the scandal I raised back then when the retarded Halduron suggestion was made in the megathread, but in my defense it came as monumentally a-holish an hypocritical to see this inmediately after the Helfers at the time claimed not being interested in taking the Belf stuff for themselves.

I used to have VERY aggresive rounds againts Alurna in tyhe SF, but then again her original forum persona was anything but sensible and coherent (heck she basically wanted to murder Lor´themar for the lols back then at the beginning).


I’ve literally been saying that for over 2 years.


Yeh, neither see the Sunwalkers either if we are only talking about being swayed by personified light.

But if it’s more of the light highjacking the “worship” aspect and turning them, both Zandalari and Tauren would still be sucseptible; BE’s are the only ones that used light as a tool/just another magic, without a religious concept as basis.

So yeh, if it’s more of a “sway”, Prelates and Sunwalkers wouldn’t fall for it, but if it’s more of a mind control via “worship”, everyone but OG masters of the light BE could be MC’d

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