New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Sorry, Void Elves we’re so laughably “far” from caving they inadvertently hurt Blood Elves in the process, where a separate High Elf AR couldn’t of possibly, had they taken our advice on possible rig changes.

You get to be angry Tarrok, you don’t get to be Horde-unreasonable.

You don’t get to pretend the biggest race request ever with a valid foundation on the Alliance is unreasonable because a different version of it exists on the Horde. :man_shrugging:


I’m not angry, just tired of listening to your Alliance-unreasonableness and bad behavior towards members of your own faction who aren’t thrilled with your nonsense. For all the way pro posters talk about how everyone other than them are greedy unreasonable bad people, well, the projection is on display now.


Surprised you’re still even around considering at this point, your Hard-Horde bias isn’t even remotely involved past the insinuation that this rips from Blood Elves, because it does.

But like I’ve told many people the past few days from this news, given that this is the apparent “High Elf avenue”, High Elf fans, much like fans of any race, are allowed to continue asking for more customization options that embraces that aesthetic more, such is the nature of player requests, your eluding to “unreasonableness” is at this point, blatantly anti-player, people are allowed to do with this news what they can, and they’ve shown as such.

You fought oh-so very hard for us to not get “true” High Elves, and in a way you succeeded, but are you satisfied with what that’s brought? :thinking:

You don’t need to answer, I think we’re all aware.


that was my point too, and talendrion’s also. in fact, many prominent helfers wanted a different rig, or at least different animations.


Huh, you know I’m opening up more and more to Void elves getting hair colors like that. Especially if Blizzard is taking this the route that I think they are.


Yes. And that includes the people who are worried that their experience is going to be harmed to placate people who don’t care about anyone else’s experience than their own. And then try to pretend that it’s the people who are worried that their play is going to be marred that are the jerks for standing up for what they enjoy since it opposes your greed.

Much as you all made your voice known to Blizzard. Others can and should do the same to let them know that they have concerns with the way the game is being handled. Deal with it.


i have been. as always, i’ve suggested variations and supported those who did also. if you recall, i supported giving them unique idling animations/casting animations, and various alliance unique features that suggested they had indeed assimilated. but people who didnt want us to have that were so adamant that we not get any form of high elf, unless it was corrupted and made to look less like an elf, that it all lead to this scenario.


Sorry, you act as if this was something we had a say in, when we actively fought for the exact opposite scenario, you don’t even remotely get to blame us for what happens now that these options are available, and it’s laughably spiteful for you to do so.

Yes, they can, because we’re all well aware of the massive movement for Void customizations for Void Elves, all the mega-threads and such.

It was definitely a massive thing that existed along-side the High Elf request hu?

Even now, with the reveal of these additions, i’m seeing a tsunami of those threads for Void customization for Void Elves.

Wait i’m not cause i have eyes. That isn’t to say i’m against such things, because unlike your side, i support valid and reasonable player requests that align with in-game lore.

High Elf fans are allowed the same and it just so happens to be more popular the aesthetic than the void aesthetic and that is literally, no ones fault, people like what they will like, and you don’t have to be a High elf fan to know the outcry for the High elf aesthetic on the Alliance is massive.

Sweetheart, i’m dealing dandy, not only is the High Elf aesthetic is slowly being given to the Alliance, it opens the door for even more customization opportunities for them and any other ARs who’s demand is high for them, this is nothing but a win for player request, and your displeasure speaks volumes.

Only person who still seems angry is you. :man_shrugging:


You know it rubs me the wrong way this one-sided view of things.

Don’t you think the people railing against High Elves and High Elf-like Void Elf customisations can be just as negative? I think you’ll find the answer to that is an emphatic yes.

It’s rather unfair to only focus on one side, as if somehow all the negativity is coming from one camp.


I wouldn’t mind more hair colours and hair styles for the Void Elves.

But one thing I could also wish is a toggle option to disable the effect of when Entropic Embrace procs.

EDIT: I came up with three options in a thread on how this idea could work actually:


This idea is that we can speak to an NPC, whether we also have to pay a little gold, either way, but speaking to an NPC to disable the effects of Entropic Embrace. Ofcourse, the NPC will also offer also to those who have it disabled to be enabled. Similar maybe to the EXP guy in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, where you pay 10 gold to stop EXP Gains and 10 gold again to continue EXP Gains.


Now, this is another idea, and could be a better one than speaking to an NPC, actually giving the option in the Character Creation or the Barber Shop to edit the Entropic Embrace effect. Now, reason why I say better idea, is because then it could give us also the options to maybe make the effect shade a bit more darker or lighter, as well as having the option to have no effects as well.


Maybe instead of having the racial a passive proc, make it togable so players can chose to enable it or not. Ofcourse, it would mean a CD of maybe 2 minutes tops and last only for a short amount of time, but this idea is just a suggestion.


could also customize the effect itself. so standard version is you turn void blue. another is you turn into stars that twinkle but dont otherwise move, like you’re looking at an overlay of the night sky in the shape of the character. maybe different voidy color tints. so not just blue.

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I have to disagree on that. Let me see if I can find the post I made. Ah, here it is.

Now that I’ve gotten over my hissy fit. I am happy Void elves got normal skin tones, I mean I would have preferred High elf AR complete with their own racials/heritage and mount but this is a decent compromise I think. Granted a lot of people say that this will just diminish Void elves and they are probably right but look at it from this angle. What happened in Telogus Rift? That was a complete accident, a fluke. Something that probably can never be repeated again.

With Normal Skin tones they can say that the High elf wayfarers journeying to Telogus learned how to harness the void from them and took the name Void elves out of respect.
In this way the legacy of the Void elves can continue onward.

See I sort of feel them being second generation Void elves that they should have Entropic Embrace proc randomly to emphasize their study of the Void.

I would not mind in the slightest if Void elves could proc an Alleria style Entropic Embrace, though I’d have to turn off Shadowform to appreciate it’s full splendor.

the long awaited changes…I am loving this…I hope this will in fact make it into the live version

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Look, I just see it as doomsaying. People were similar when the race was initially announced “Oh no Blood Elves have lost their uniqueness.” and “People are going to abandon Horde.”

The sky isn’t going to fall in, and VOID Void Elves aren’t going to suffer or be watered down. None of these new ‘High Elf’ looks will be at the expense of ‘voidyness’, because they are additions, not replacements. Blizzard aren’t about to abandon their baby either.

By the way I have absolutely no reason to object to more void customisations being added either. It doesn’t effect me, so why should I?

I do hope you see I’ve no axe to grind against you individually, and all I’m doing is focusing on your arguments. I’m just used to arguing in a blunt cold manner-- maybe because of my Britishness? Who knows.


The racial doesn’t have to change for it to be aesthetically different, it’s a very unpleasant looking look even if it doesn’t last long and can be canceled, it is very immersion breaking, especially if these new options are to be considered our Segway to “High Elves” on the Alliance.

There’s nothing wrong with an aesthetic toggle that has 0 effect on gameplay.


dunno if you saw it, but i suggested, since void elves were almost turned into full on ethereals, that maybe we could have a couple customizations where we can select body parts that have been etherealized, so to speak. it takes on our exact body shape, but isnt animated, other than the glowy bits inside the bandages. lets say you selected ethereal arms , you’d get two arms, that you could not mog, and they’d look just like the shape of your normal arms but with an ethereal texture instead of skin or armor texture.

At this point we should ask for a curruption slider.


Why stop there? What if I want to make a void elf with tauren arms and an orc head?

Come on, BLIZZARD. Give players AGENCY.

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That’d be neat.

you dont have a face. lol