I don’t care much for the new skins and eyes, I’ll probably not use then… What I really wanted (for Velfs, Belfs, Human form Worgens, LF draenei and every race that don’t have it yet) is a bald option. Really, almost no work doing that, and make a lot of people happy. Please, be fair to bald people!!!
i was just trying to come up with ideas to make them look unique from blood elves, and that would certainly be one way.
I am not talking about disabling the racial itself though. I am talking about the effect of the racial that is gives off, randomly turning you blue. That is something I would like to see having an option to turn off that effect.
To me it’s very comparable to Shadowform, which is of course an iconic class ability.
Despite what people have said current Void Elves are in fact a blur between a race and a class. They are Blood Elves with a bit Shadow Priest in every one.
Shadowform has a glyph to reduce its effect, and the reason is because it obscures your character so much.
Now Entropic Embrace is a mere racial proc, and it is highly unusual in that the visual is very very obvious and frequent. Stoneform ok, but that’s on a long activated cooldown it doesn’t happen every 20 seconds or so randomly.
I just find it on some classes to look pretty stupid. Such as Mages for example. It just doesn’t look good casting a Frost, Arcane or Fire ability to just find yourself to turn purple. Or as a Destruction Lock, casting Chaos or Shadowflame abilities to turn purple. That is why I am requesting for the visual effect of Entropic Embrace to be an option to be disabled.
I mean, it is make no sense to ask for the visual effect to be changed to either Arcane, Holy or any other type outside of Shadow, so there is no point in requesting in that.
Or to ask for the functionality to be changed or even removed.
It just isn’t realistic and is pushing against Blizzard’s Void Elf creation to expect extreme things like renaming the race or adding in new class choices.
They’ve added in the skins so why not wrap it in a neat bow and allow normal hair? It would be a rather nice present to all the High Elf fans, and really the vast majority will be content with that and can easily roleplay a Quel’Dorei with just looking the part.
Part of why I personally want these cosmetic additions is because we already have purple elves on Alliance, they’re called Night Elves. I don’t really care about them being functionally and titled ‘Void Elves’, but I certainly would like to have the appearance of a normal Thalassian.
Maybe all the High Elves have followed Alleria now? Yea, ok, that’s fine. Perhaps they might make a story out of merging the Silver Covenant and Void Elf Cult.
Again, Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls are being adding as additions to other races. It’s just giving players more choice and being practical in not adding in another big batch of ‘races’. I think it’s obvious we’ll suddenly see a big dip in the number of Bronzebeard and Darkspears, but does that REALLY matter?
To the people who are bothered by that, can they not just ignore it instead of imposing their own wishes onto others? Just think of it as a skin cosmetic not an actual race change if they dislike it so.
Oh, I am not worried about any new classes. One class that the Void Elves have that the Alliance High Elves don’t have is Warlocks.
Well I don’t think it’s realistic adding a new class, so I personally won’t request it.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t object to Paladins being added, but I would be strict in saying that should only happen if Horde get a new class choice in return (I think Undead Paladins are long overdue).
Well. That’s because High Elf Lore in Warcraft 2 is disassociated from future Night Elf lore.
In Warcraft 2 they’re like, “Fantasy races!” and then when World of Warcraft came out so did the War of the Ancients books.
Warcraft 2 never had a clear timeline of events, the lore was still in its infancy.
The first time we got deep info on the races was in the no-longer-canon Warcraft RPG, which listed something like 2,000 years.
The second edition (the WoW RPG), which had way less input from Blizzard, fumbled everything by listing ages more like in D&D, with elves reaching only a few hundred years, but I always considered that a clear non-canon info.
Blizzard seemly still kept making lore in sync with the first RPG for years, until we started getting tidbits of information like Lorash’s being alive during the high elven exile or Alleria fighting in the troll wars…
I’m sorry for your bad experiences with the Helf community. Rest assured that not all of us are here to argue to the death or throw insults
It seems the high elf threads are finally losing steam and dying out. Most of the backlash from last week is going away.
Actually if you go to old Dalaran you’ll see a High elf warlock trainer in the Silver Covenant area. It seemed most likely like an oversight but who knows/cares at this point.
Meh, I appreciate it, but my opinion has gone back up. I realize there’s only like a handful of people that generally rub me the wrong way.
I’m happy for you guys. You get more justification for your rp. That’s a good thing.
(I say more because even before the customization announcements, any void elf that told me their character was a high elf would have been a high elf as far as I’m concerned. )
Man, I miss class trainers
Now, all they do is stand around doing nothing
When I was still learning this game and doing dumb things like buying gear from vendors, I didn’t like them because I never had enough gold for new spells and getting anywhere where there was a trainer was a pain.
…now a days though, I kind of do miss them. I think the idea at least is neat.
I see where you are coming from but hear me out. The void is apart of every Void elf, it’s now hard coded in your very genetics. So even if you cast spells from other schools of magic the Void will always be apart of you, manifesting itself as Entropic Embrace. Always reminding you that you are part of the Void.
Still, I guess having an option for those who want it to turn this effect off is alright as well.
Some of my ideas include
Universal Tattoo’s based on the ones we’ve seen in game and in concept art etc, give the blood elves unique ones with a more jagged edge look and a unique red paint, give Void Elves some unique voidy ones that begin to glow when Entrophic Embrace proc’s or something.
General colors would be Dark blue, Green, Cyan and Purple.
Updated visuals for Entrophic Embrace as it is now it’s just this ugly shade of purple that doesn’t make a Void Elf really feel like a Void Elf but feel like someone just colored them in Dark Purple Marker.
Dark-Purple Eye color for Void Elves to represent the Sheer Void magic (imagine Spriests would love such a option)
Dark Ranger Eye options for Blood Elves, there’s really no reason not too at this point.
Instead of porting over Blood Elf hairstyles give the Void Elves more Alliance esque hair styles akin to Humans, especially considering they are staying in Stormwind when not in the Telgorous Rift.
Give Humans those tattoo’s in WOTLK in exchange the arm sleeve and chest ones, honestly suprised they aren’t among the new customization features as is.
Silver, Light Blonde, Red and Brown hair colors at the very least for Void Elves?
Give the Blood Elves, Blue Purple and the actual Gray hair color in return an exchange of hair colors wouldn’t be bad.
General idea but Heritage Weapons, that fit with the theme of the Heritage Armor not a Velf exclusive thing obviously.
Toggeable Entrophic Embrace aka when it proc’s I wanna have the option of at the very least MYSELF seeing it, everyone else would see it just fine.
Void Tendril or Braids options on the existing hair styles, it can be done through simple retexturing as shown, more Void tendril options with hair styles as well, some of them are hardly noticable especially on males.
Why are humans the only ones allowed to have scars? Make this is a universal thing Blizzard for every race especially races like Orcs! There are better ways to make Humans look more unique.
I rather think it’s more that nothing remains to be said, and at this point we are going around in circles.
Most? There is always backlash over something here in GD.