New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Once it’s affirmed that the HE wayfarers are joining the VEs officially I’ll be very happy. It’ll be the lore behind being a former HE and not a former BE I think that is great news.


Shadows, you’re just a pro in general. :heart:

(Seriously, love ya even when we disagree on stuff, good to see your Void Elf again).

I think if the Blood Elf identity hinges on their hair colour then they’ve got much deeper issues to be discussed.

I’m not being glib, either. Blood Elves lost a lot of character identity that they’d established in TFT and TBC with the Sunwell raid at the end of TBC, and they’ve never really bounced back. There’s never really been much story progress for them as a people beyond ‘welp, Sunwell’s fixed. Guess we can harness the light without siphoning Naaru too now so that’s cool I guess?’

If Blood Elves have so little flavour left that you legitimately feel that they’re being robbed of their identity if they have to share their hair colours with Void Elves, then the discussion you want to be having isn’t that Void Elves shouldn’t be getting those hair colours, it’s that Blood Elves need to be getting some real substance and identity back.

And, tbh, I’d support that endeavour, since I think they’ve been kind of lacklustre for a while now.


Why not wait and see what’s actually getting shared before you drive yourself into a panic with worry?

It might turn out Void Elves are just getting skin tones and nothing else from Blood Elves. It might also turn out that Blood Elves are getting the San’layn/Dark Ranger options to boot!

If it turns out Blizzard went insane and just copypasta’d everything Blood Elves have to Void Elves and gave you nothing but blue eyes… then complain.

You could seriously be upsetting yourself for no reason and preemptive panic isn’t going to change what’s to come. Only post-reveal thoughtful input will.


their identity is fine. as long as they remain the high elves of WoW. blizzard wanted to appeal to as many people as possible without compromising the integrity of the story with these new options. but giving a void elf a blood elf skin tones does that and thats why antis are upset

blood elves at the moment have barely any uniqueness atm. and what little remains is already trying to be torn down by people who were always pushing fanfiction

they want the void elf racial gone, they dont want void elves to bleed blue blood or have a weird alien voice and they want to be void paladins with blonde hair colors. if you dont like that then play a damn blood elf and stop trying to steal our tattoos. youre a void elf always will be, anything else beyond the skin tones should reflect void corruption that came with the choice you made


But Blood Elves aren’t the only High Elves of WoW.

There are those that are part of the Alliance that still call themselves Quel’dorei and some of those have become Ren’dorei along with former Sin’dorei, that turned away from the Horde, who all still have legitimate claim to the Quel’dorei legacy that all these Thalassian’s share.

You’re a Blood Elf and always will be.


I’m glad you agree with the point that I was making that Blood Elves have a substance issue. We should make a thread to discuss how to give them more of a clear identity at some point.


Agreed. High Elf fans get to play a “real” High Elf, and Void Elf fans get more lore via conformation their ranks are growing.


And yet, Blood Elf skin tones are only unique to the Horde. Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes all wave at you!

Blood Elves have been unique only to the horde since they were introduced. They were never unique as a whole.


They aren’t even unique to the Horde since they appear on Alliance High Elf NPCs.


They ARE unique to the Horde because the Horde has the playable models.

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white velf hair. black velf hair. and two toned hair colors like someone else mentioned - blonde melding into pink. . brown melding into purple. aqua melding into blonde or white or white melding into aqua. would look great. i’d really love something like gnome colors. have always loved their pink, blue and green hair colors. neon hair colors would be cool.

mostly i just want a really long, center parted, straight hair style, like down to their bum. morticia addams style.

would be interesting if you had some unique hair colors paired with matching eyes. like pink with pink eyes. or lavender with lavender eyes.

to add flavor, maybe space themed. like hair ornaments that are space flavored.

could add customizations involving their almost conversion to ethereal. maybe an option for arms/legs/torso that cant be mogged, that are partially ethereal with the mummy bandages and glowing inner light. that would certainly be unique. they wouldnt have to be the full on ethereal with the flicker rate and bandages flopping in the wind. just same velf arms or same velf legs but with an ethereal texture and inner glowing light

Exactly. They are only unique to the Horde.

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Im not sure how a skin color determines that high elves are high elves. I mean, i always knew u guys only cared about the skin color and not really about faction identity, but a skin color =/= a whole race


Im going to stop you right here and remind you that we are loyal paying customers, and as such we have the right to request anything we like. Its then on blizz to decide whether they go ahead and give it to us or not.

You also have the right to voice your opinion, but never ever tell us to shut up or treat us like children who need to behave and say “thanks daddy, ill stop asking for stuff”, im fed up with this attitude going on lately

Blizzard is not our daddy and we are not Blizzard’s children. Blizzard is a company and we are customers, we dont owe anything to blizzard, they arent giving us anything “for free”, know the difference


They remain the blood elves of wow, while the high elves of the alliance will remain the high elves of wow.

Maybe you’d be less upset if you stopped putting so much energy into being spiteful and devoid of morals.

High elves (who never changed their name and allegiance) are not fanfiction. The only fanfiction is your desperation to pretend your blood elf isn’t a blood elf…for some reason.
If you want blood elves to be unique, maybe you should stop pretending to still be a high elf then?

The void elf racial is just easthetically unpleasing whether it would be void elves or gnomes who had it, it just looks silly.
No one wants to play a blood elf, they want to play a high elf and the closest thing to that will be the non-purple void elf since they are part of the alliance and can have blue eyes.
Also tattoos do not belong to blood elves, the only elf with tattoos is Alleria, and she’s a void elf, therefore it should primarily be void elves who get tattoos, though I wouldn’t mind seeing them on blood elves.
(Amazing concept eh? Actually being open to new customizations for everyone to enjoy instead of being selfish for absolutely petty reasons)


I like my blood elves actually… They have character.

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You forget that they are the only customers that are supposed to matter.

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So what you’re saying is:

Antis should of been on our side, cheering for a separate High Elf AR all along, because like we told you ad nauseam, having a separate AR with a separate High Elf rig, would help to trample on the least amount of toes.


That sounds odd when the way to have trampled on the fewest toes was not to cave any further than they already had. (I mean, not doing the elf swap at all would have been the ideal, but it all depends on how far back we go in talking about toe trodding)