New community council has Story/Lore section

Well, it was ‘anything but the Ardenwaeld plate set, or Maldraxxus leather set’, then I decided that I wouldn’t double up on looks on either faction side. So, Horde- Hunter Ardenweald, Warrior Maldraxxus, Warlock Revendreth; Alliance- Mage Maldraxxus, Shaman Bastion, Druid Ardenwaeld. Thinking Horde Monk Bastion, Alliance Death Knight Revendreth.

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The Ardenweald plate set is awesome!


Not as awesome as you though :smiley:


Genuine question and just my perception but why does it feel like most of their story depends on the whims of devs who think things are cool but aren’t themselves writers, as opposed to say the impression that maybe the writers or main writer having more reign to design the story. Like I don’t get the impression each expansion flows together / has been planned, more so it feels disconnected maybe the most recent expansion will bridge together but its not like a long term plan they had.

Like I don’t get the impression they could say the story we are in today has been part of a long term story goal planned from WOTLK or something.

So are they giving any reason to believe they’ll be writing better stories in the future or will it just be more of the same


Because this is materially the case

The CDev team is visibly under staffed and the Quest/Encounter Teams have a lot of leeway in what goes into the text.

There is ONE (1) Historian and he does not have a sub team that serves as Lore Editors for all quests

Now, according to Questifer in a tweet a few months back, every sub team has a WoW Writing and/or CDev person

But that doesn’t necessarily translate to Editorial Purview.

So unlike Every Other Major Game, where they have IN-HOUSE IRL HISTORY TEAMS and ACTUAL WRITERS having a chokehold on the world building

The Devs™, who are not Professional Writers nor Trained Historians Or Academics Otherwise, are allowed control over world building

Ergo why we get odd hyperspecific references (there’s a venthyr couple at the ember court to the side that have names but aren’t interactable that are references probably to a fairly popular Filipino soap opera that even Christie Golden is watching because other Blizzard people are watching it, or how the four mini bosses in front of Lady Darkvein in CN are four Romanian words that form a half sentence) or incredibly basic western hegemonic references (eg Muh Dracula’s Castle, Muh Angel Psychopomp, Muh Thanos Lucifer Sauron Zovaal)

Because it’s all to the whims of individual devs who do the material labor of building the game world and have been loaded with the creative labor of world building

I will not have faith in WoW’s writing team until:

  • They admit the monster races based on POC are representation
  • Say they are working on adding more phenotypic diversity to the races in general, eg curly hair for all
  • Add an inhouse historian team, or at least 3 historians in CDev
  • Add at least 5 subhistorians with editorial purview
  • Take world building eg quest text out of Game Dev hands, or at least have mandatory editorial approval

Just to be THAT guy, so basically never? Because we both know blizz is never going to do any of that.

MAYBE it might happen if the Microsoft sale goes through and gets okayed

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But don’t ya know Baal, Blizz is a small indie company, afterall. And real writers are expensive, we’ll just promote quest devs to lead CDev. That worked so well when they brought in that guy notorious as an Everquest troll and he rose to lead the Cosby Suite, err I mean CDev.

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I come bearing pain and suffering


Printer beam rofl


WoW devs desperately need to get their heads out of their rears and realize robbing a fantasy setting of its mysticism and spirituality kills that fantasy.

Beardy middle aged dimwits who listen to crappy metal. They need to touch grass or read a book.


Well, You are a warlock…

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Can I side with the Jailer and help him retcon existence?

(I can’t even quote your pictures Baal. This is crap.)


Sorry Anelaan. But


But I serve the Horde…


Well that’s not possible, because

Call me Captain Azeroth, cuz I can do this all day.

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Oh! Anyone post this one yet?

Bobby donates to GOP stuff via a secret second company. Not sure how relevant this is beyond Bobby’s politics, but it’s not often I find things maybe worth sharing.

@_techjess shared it initially, all credit for it to her.


His political alignment is rather clear in hindsight given it was found out he wrote Fran Townsend’s original response to the lawsuit full of right wing rhetoric.


I’m more surprised about the secret second company bit. I guess people do that to hide who they support and donate to, but it still is just like “what the what?? Secret company?? How is that a thing though??”

Like, is there any way to say “secret second company” without it sounding maximum shady?


It makes sense for business to support both sides that way regardless of who is in charge you have allies on the controlling side of congress.

I would find it surprising if you turned any given business leader’s secrets inside out that they haven’t donated to some of the very congress members they publicly say they can’t stand.


He literally only gave money to the GOP

It’s on the article

It’s right there